Have you people heard about what happened to Fez's creator, Phil Fish?
He was always a pretentious asshat but now he's litterally gone off his rocker, cancelled the sequel to Fez and pulically gone coocoo.
I love it.
![]() Jul 27 2013, 1:58 pm
I can understand Phil's frustration, but he's fallen into the trap of trying to be a personality.
The guy's fallen in love with himself, and essentially, he's allowed any criticism of his game, his business, etc. to get under his skin. He needs to realize that when you become a public figure, criticism HAS to be left alone. If you decide to play in the mud, the guy who started it will not be seen as the one that got dirty, only because you are in the spotlight and he isn't. Welcome to the world of professional game development, Phil. It's probably better that he took his toys with him, because he obviously couldn't handle being criticized. I saw the trainwreck on twitter. Everybody was pretty much in agreement with what he had to say, but were begging him to shut up, or else he'd make himself look worse, and instead of doing so, and taking the high road, he got defensive and alienated himself from his community. He's right, though, the guys who write for major gaming media are mostly parasites with poor hygiene who think they know what they are talking about (and generally don't). You can be right, and still be an asshole. --Unfortunately, the two aren't mutually exclusive. |
Kumorii wrote:
Link pls. http://www.google.com/ Weren't you meant to of quit, or something? I dunno. |
Yes and no, a lot of the hate and criticism given to him was BECAUSE of that very same personality and attitude. If he wasn't an asshole to people on Twitter, a lot less people would be an asshole to him for him to be an asshole to.
I do agree that gaming journalism is complete bullarse, but he's so far out of bounds with his actions that I'm surprised there isn't a law he's breaking somewhere. What was it again? Oh yeah "Compare your life with mine, and then kill yourself" - Phil Fish taking criticism 2013. |
No, I totally agree with you. He's definitely been making the bed he's now sleeping in. However, any game developer should know, that there will be irrational and needless hyperbolic hate vomited at you from every direction the second your name becomes even somewhat known.
What he has to say might well be correct, but they are things that shouldn't ever be said, especially not in the self-indulging way he is. Most indies just can't handle it, because they want their game to please everyone. AAA gaming companies deal with it just by having a policy of not listening to anybody who isn't part of the team. Both ways of dealing with it are flawed, and Phil... Well, he's definitely an asshole, and that doesn't help him. We had a guy like him on a mobile project I was writing for a few months back. I kept wondering by the team kept him, because in the end, he got grounded from making posts, or talking to the public until someone else validated his posts. People like that shouldn't be front-facing. People like that are often some of the best in the industry, don't get me wrong, but they really shouldn't be representing a brand for the sake of the brand's image. In the end, the Indie world is great for some, and horrible for others, due to the lack of PR budget available to indies. |
I find it really, REALLY hard to give a shit about indie developers who get a lot of attention (for the wrong reasons) and just simply abuse it.
The dude should have learned from Michael Jackson's mistakes and not appear totally batshit in a documentary.
I mean he was threatening to murder his former business partner at PAX at one point there. Don't say stuff like that on camera. :P Bye bye any hope for a good public image. |
Jaredoggy wrote:
The dude should have learned from Michael Jackson's mistakes and not appear totally batshit in a documentary. you say that like there was a good public image to start, lol imo, i don't care about his personal life. all i should care about is what he's made, and FEZ was a pretty good game. so, in that regard, i respect him. not for being a wreck, but rather, for being capable of producing at least one good game |
Madow wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYpMxMPZ-Mk I think at some point he should of been removed from the room by someone. It's ok though, Godzilla will get him. |
Phil should've asked Obama for advice. Obama probably gets quadruple the ridicule Phil gets and still never snaps, Phil could learn a thing or two from 'ol Baracky Rock.
Ter13 wrote:
If you decide to play in the mud, the guy who started it will not be seen as the one that got dirty, only because you are in the spotlight and he isn't. That is a really good way of putting it. By responding to the trolls Fish only managed to stir the pot and make things worse. |
SuperAntx wrote:
That is a really good way of putting it. By responding to the trolls Fish only managed to stir the pot and make things worse. It's not so much responding, but responding retardedly. This is how you go about responding to idiots. |
Sorry for the necro-post ("hey, it's already over a month old!"), but I was reading an article (from 2009) on indie game marketing, and they included some Phil Fish input: On the other hand, “don’t be a dick,” said Fish. “It’s nice to find a way to be engaging, but show respect, don’t treat everybody like you’re letting them in on your secret. Be nice.” And I immediately thought of this thread. |
Google'd. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on something by not seeing what's so special about Fez. It was another platformer - which I don't care for platformers to begin with. That and the guy seems to definitely have some sort of social issues as he is pretty damn arrogant and crude.