Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
this server needs to be up more, just found this and want to play! loving the concept of "you die, you lose your save file" sticking to the whole SAO death in game = death irl scenario.. while it'd be fun to do pvp, im hoping the community aren't the sort to randomly kill people for fun..
There is currently around 1 1/2 PK clans :D

So Bleh.
Kamizura how can it be up more when the game isnt finished...
True story bro.

I've been working on the Herb System, and the Guild System.

My brain hurts...
Kboy what floor are u on now
Well 100 floors would require a ton of memory..considering each "floor" is a complete world of its own x_x
In response to Kboy33
Kboy33 wrote:
There is currently around 1 1/2 PK clans :D

So Bleh.

Join "Children of the Midnight Blue" we've been here since the beginning of time and we need more members. We are the best PK guild and we put the 1/2 PK guild to shaaaaaame. Go to the guild section of the forums to check it out. Just thought I should advertise this :P
This looks really awsome i would love to play. One question tho. Is it RP only or RPVP? And if its RPVP do we have to RP or we can just play PVP?
I think both MY GREAT SIR
In response to Goku900800
Cool if it was only RP or if i had to RP i wouldnt play since not very good at it, but if i can just PVP without RP'ing yeah so gonna play this.
The game is SUPPOSE to be RPvP but if you can't RP then I'm pretty sure you won't get penalized for it lol. I know a couple of people who are just going to be PvPing, but just so you know PvP means Player versus Player and if you are going to be a PKer like me make sure you are strong enough because you only get 1 life lol.

I on the other hand are going to RPvP the hell out of this.
In response to Dracian88
Dracian88 wrote:
Kamizura how can it be up more when the game isnt finished...

sorry if my "this server needs to be up more" offended you.. it seems like a lot of people have been talking about it as if they've been on it a good fair bit so i was assuming the server goes up every now and again. by the way will there be safe zones? id rather not remake several times because some idiot keeps killing me for fun..

btw im not big on RP, so i wont be participating very much in pvp, so i hope this doesnt make me at a disadvantage, altho i have no desire to pvp at all..
Oi! Kboy!
Basically one of the last times I'll explain this:


It means you ROLEPLAY speech-wise
e.g Haruka smirks/drops his gown on the floor.
Attacking or Fighting is just attacking like in PvP. Clear enough to understand?

Besides I've made it so Ilfang attacks on-sight. Barely anyone will be able to type whilst fighting a 20K HP Boss.


That was a quote from another comments box which I posted on.

RPing has to be done. But when it comes to fights etc. Go ahead and PvP it out.
I clearly just don't want to see "Lololololololol ur liek a baws at 1 handed swrd mastery dude" and internet speech as such filling SAO. It would only make it senseless.

RPing isn't hard. Just narrating what you do. Not everything has to be RPed though changing clothes is an obvious Yes Yes.

  • Exorbita better run- Jails are fully coded. Now if you get put in the jail, you CANT get out if you're in the jail cell.
  • More warps. Now you can get out of the Jail and the Pub.
  • Houses are done.
  • Tele-Crystals are done. You can now teleport to the ToB and a Shrine.
    --Note: Will update this soon--
Anyway i am playing this either way coz it looks great. I just havent played many RP games so yeah. But yeah, i guess i can do that ^^ thanks for letting me know and all ^^ Looking foward to this.
Ty, Updated!
Hmm i got a question, idk if this have been answered already since i havent been following this since the beggining but, not all floor bosses have been shown in SAO, what will you do about them? Custom ones?
Okie, thats cool.
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