In response to XzDoG
What is izou? Screenshots or it didn't happen.
Search me, I was pretty awesome when I joined in 2003 and stayed until 2008-2009?
But im baaaackkkk! Let's make byond famous dudes, itll be awesome. You know, TV commercials n stuff? |
In response to XzDoG
Pretty awesome, eh? I think not! This shows a perfect example of your awesomeness with goto in your code. All hail the mighty XzDoG! I'm searching you, but I'm not finding any screenshots of Izou.
I know my skills are 1337 huh?
As for pics : search?hl=en&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=wR7jUZ-7Neqzyw G1o4GwAg&q=xzdog+izou&oq=xzdog+izou&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.12... 1755.3781.0.4929. XygHyoYDoDw Google image search xzdog naruto izou |
In response to XzDoG
I guess we cannot be friends no longer. We are fangame rivals, ready for some competition?
In response to Neimo
That snipet he posted makes me weep.
In response to Magnum2k
Magnum2k wrote:
Cut him some slack, that was in 2006. He's obviously a pro now. Gosh, thanks! At least someone realizes this! |
In response to Magnum2k
Magnum2k wrote:
Wissam wrote: Is he competing with Branks?! |
No one can compete with Branks.
Not even Tupac. Also Branks's rap name is Bizzy B so make sure you refer to him as that when discussing rap topics. |
In response to XzDoG
XzDoG wrote:
Guys... cant you I've changed again!!! I am a good programmer. Promise. .. Okay, then beat Teka in donations. |
In response to XzDoG
XzDoG wrote:
I have, byonders used to donate to my PayPal all the time... I DONT SEE XZDOG ON THERE. |
Cool, my first fan!! Itll be up in the next 48 hours. PROMISE. After all, izou did come out in a timely fashion as well right?