
by Rushnut
They are coming... Defend yourself!
Castle is back and better than ever!

I'm taking it upon myself to recreate Abra's classic, using the official damage numbers and stats and suchlike to stay true to the original gameplay. My reasoning behind this is that, BYOND has a lot of neat new features that Castle could greatly benefit from, and the original Castle source is, pretty crappy (It doesn't even make use of icon states, everything is its own icon. Lol.) and it would be quicker and easier to just rebuild it from the ground up.

Please don't hesitate to point out any differences between this and the original Castle, and I'll be sure to step on them asap!

So without further ado, go forth, and never forget to buy MOAR BGERS.

Open source! -

I do wish you keep the hub the same so as to keep the Castle community together, but otherwise you're free to change and mod whatever you like into it!

Obviously enternal credit to Abra for all art, sound and gameplay credits!
Best of luck with this.
It's pretty much finished! :D
OMFG I LOVE CASTLE! I hope this turns out good cause castle was the shit.
I approve. Any help needed let me know :D
I do need help! Bug testy help! The game is version 1.0.0 which means it's finished as far as like the original goes. Any and all future updates will be bug fixes and new content!

I've actually already completed the Medals and high scores, but I'm scared to release that update for fear of bugs, so the sooner I'm satisfied it's bug free the sooner you can start competing to show off some ePenis!
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
I do need help! Bug testy help! The game is version 1.0.0 which means it's finished as far as like the original goes. Any and all future updates will be bug fixes and new content!

I've actually already completed the Medals and high scores, but I'm scared to release that update for fear of bugs, so the sooner I'm satisfied it's bug free the sooner you can start competing to show off some ePenis!

Why not create a second hub called for example Castle Remake Beta. Then you could do a sort of pre-release, get bug reports/feedback from players. So the player who just want to play the non-buggy game can play this. People who want the latest updates can play the possibly buggy version.
Because the idea is that my game isn't buggy in the first place, if I could guarantee that every bug was gone I'd probably be Jesus.

But I'm not, I make mistakes unknowingly, and as such I need players to find them.

This release, as is, has no bugs to my knowledge (Aside from the hydra/spider funkyness that I'm aware of, and isn't really a problem anyway.)
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
Because the idea is that my game isn't buggy in the first place, if I could guarantee that every bug was gone I'd probably be Jesus.

But I'm not, I make mistakes unknowingly, and as such I need players to find them.

This release, as is, has no bugs to my knowledge (Aside from the hydra/spider funkyness that I'm aware of, and isn't really a problem anyway.)

I meant having pre-releases on future updates, possibly even on this hub. Like an open alpha/beta of the latest updates.

This way you have no need to advertise for testers, just hope some people do. Obviously testers would be more efficient. Was just a suggestion.

Possibly making a pre-release in the discussions if it's a major update. That way followers can test it out for you.
I barely get enough players to test as-is, splitting that in half certainly won't do me any favours ;(
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
I barely get enough players to test as-is, splitting that in half certainly won't do me any favours ;(

Ahh true. Well I'd happily test for you.
Worked great on normal mode until I started spamming catapult boulders onto the catapult escorted by shielded red knights. Instantly crashed without being able to read what went wrong.
I'm going to keep a server up & live as consistently as I can! Can host more if needed
Hey does anyone know how to fix the Src from dropbox?