Kaios IncorporationJustice Court (DBZUNJC)

by GrimmJore
 Kaios IncorporationJustice Court (DBZUNJC)
The Justice Court to DragonBall Z United Nation By by Kaios Incorporation
This Game is only for The DragonBall Z United Nation Justice League. You may only enter if you have the password..Which you are to recive by an Game moderator or Headmasters or Lower Level officers in DragonBall Z United Nation.

If you are new and will like to try the dbz game out Click here http://games.byond.com/hub/KaiosIncorporation/DBUN

contact adeniyielmo

Password entrance, cause ya don't know how to program a save-able list.
In response to OrangeWeapons
we shutting this hub down add my key tales2008 and hmu for more imfo