Firstly the first image is of a pokemon stats interface. I was wondering if its ok? Or somethings need changing. Item and Ability will be added last thats why it isn't there yet.

 photo pokestatimage_zps4af55527.png

Second image is of a trainer card. Is this trainer card to dark coloured? Too small? etc.. Basically just feedback about the interface and if stuff needs changing

 photo trainercardimage_zps767f1f56.png
Change your fonts on the Pokemon stats' interface. Also, you have lots of excess space on the left side of it. The trainer card is fine.
Change the pokemon fonts? or change the actual stat fonts. Also the excess space is partly due to having icons of bigger pokemon e.g. like a dragonite or blastoise which takes up most of that space.
In response to The4thArty
It's terribly hard to read anything using the Pokemon logo font as your font choice (especially since it's smaller than normal). I'm thinking you're using verdana or something along the lines of it for your other font to display the stats/description. Also, add a title to the Pokemon summary so it isn't just a pokeball.

Check Albro1's reply, that's mostly what I was referring to as excess space. (also, you should center your Bulbasaur in the provided space, it's just off to me)

I feel like something is supposed to be here. But nothing is.

I do agree with you on the font, i will change it to something more professional looking font. Thanks! I will add a title, i will center the icon more as well ^_^

@Neimo and Albro1

That space i was saving to add level up button to prevent people afking,also add some sort of ev distributor as well if i think its best, but mainly that space is going to be used for pokemon ribbons or pokemon moves. Not sure which one yet
In my opinion for the stats image, you have too much excess space. You should either shrink the canvas or add some extra things in there (a background image all together, a extra feature in your game..etc)
The stat page kind of reminds me of pokemon gold & silver. I recall seeing a lot of extra space on the stat panels in those games as well.
Is this any better for the stats page?
 photo newstats_zpsfef6efff.png
I also have to add ability and item when there added, also happiness as you can see and also top left part where is blank i am going to add some poke tabs like level up and distribute ev
In response to The4thArty
Center the strongly defiant part and Pikachu needs to move over like 4-8 pixels.
this a bit better? i moved the icon by 8 pixels
 photo poke_stats_new_zps47c1eb9a.png
aha thanks! XD got there in the end :P
Please, use the fat pikachu icon, for nostalgia.
 photo tumblr_ls0s6vrdAH1qdso0fo1_500_zps4ffbd7a2.jpg
