all i did was ask what you meant by sandbox rpg, gameplay wise. like, what are you offering the players
if thats hostile then idk what isnt
They were referring to you being condescending towards me.
Yut Put wrote:
all i did was ask what you meant by sandbox rpg, gameplay wise. like, what are you offering the players They were referring to you being condescending towards me. |
Yut Put wrote:
all i did was ask what you meant by sandbox rpg, gameplay wise. like, what are you offering the players I was particularly hostile to you for your silly comments putting down the usefulness of the application. |
Ishuri wrote:
SpiritAge is meant to play like a sand box RPG. Putting a story line and quests alone then releasing, would not quite follow our vision. I think Yut is referencing this. He might have missed "alone" in the sentence like I did the first time. The way it was said implied the game having a quest and storyline isn't part of your vision. Thus it would just be an empty game. |
Spirit Age does have a story, no official member has ever said it would not. It would be impossible to make a "Sandbox RPG" if we didn't have some story to define what we were doing.
Off topic
It is probably yut puts gf "time of the month" we know how aggravating women are at this time and how non giving they are ;) on topic Chris Gayle wrote: Yut Put is just a hypocrite, ignore his flareups & appreciate the good he does eventually get around to doing. ++ |
Yut Put speaks for himself, good, great. Not a big deal, Spirit Age is a great game from what I've played. Hell yea it needs work, (not changes mind you just buckled down confident creators, which you guys seem to be handling well) no need for anyONE (read: ONE <<<<) person to bring the whole thing down. Refine that shit to perfection and release it as you see fit; I'll play it. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want something as cluster-bugged as Battlefield 3 was for a starting game. Keep up the good work guys! Don't give up! *INSPIRATIONAL WORDS HERE*
Yeah... think that's all I wanted to say. |
Yut Put wrote:
Zane444 wrote: That's a matter of opinion. There are amazing developers that have released games that I don't enjoy. Doesn't mean they need to be disrespected. |
Yut Put wrote:
Zane444 wrote: Just be patient. Give him some time. Sure SA gets boring due to a lack of storyline, but other than that, I would give it 10 on everything else. Even if he hasn't released a game before (haven't checked his hub) don't hate on him just because of that. Just fluff your pillows and wait for it to be done. |
Yut Put wrote:
and whereas I'd be satisfied with a five star meal, you'd be happy eating McDonald's. Like you've never enjoyed a happy meal before |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Yut Put wrote: Tru' Tru'' I like the little kiddies toy from china in the cheap packaging. Nostalgic. |
That's your opinion and I respect that. What I dislike about you is your condescending attitude towards anyone who doesn't view things the same way you do.
Lets see, Retro City Rampage took 7 years to develop and was a critically acclaimed success as a game. So the time a game takes to become "decent" is completely subjective. You try so hard to shove your values down other peoples throat that it completely overshadows the good you've done. I haven't enjoyed any of your projects to date. You constantly criticize SA about being a generic JRPG clone, to my amazement your current project features almost every feature to be cited with JRPG(quest grinding a Linear storyline,Grind heavy, standard crafting and accessorizing) the only major difference between SA and EL would be combat with path finding. and linear game play and progression, whereas spirit age is going for true dynamic game play and progression. another real difference is that we actually spent more than a couple minutes working on art, which seems to be the #1 source of your dislike for the game. the amount of renewable content Spirit Age's engine allows is obviously too much for you comprehend; which brings the point i made not to long ago; If SA had terrible graphics it'd be a whole different story with you. |
Yut Put wrote:
I suppose that's the difference between us. I have much higher standards for what makes a game "decent" than you do, and whereas I'd be satisfied with a five star meal, you'd be happy eating McDonald's. There is an excuse. Not everyone sits their ass at home and plays on the inter-webs, YoghurtPot. Your idea of "Decent" differs from mine, as even though you are a fellow game creator, you seem to not understand that people have other things to do. As I said, be patient. I was disappointed when I first joined SA and checked out the game - and saw there was nothing to do. Though I thought that I was in the same position with my game, and give it some time it will be better than before. |
Shots have been fired, and I don't even have my popcorn yet. Oh well, this bag of sunflower seeds on my desk will have to do. Continue.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Shots have been fired, and I don't even have my popcorn yet. Oh well, this bag of sunflower seeds on my desk will have to do. Continue. Pumpkin seeds anyone? |
At the end of the day YP's opinion is inconsequential to Spirit Age, what the team members want is what the team members want, and whatever time taken is ours, not another. We are sure Spirit Age will be fine without his constant cries for attention.
That being said, the debate between the team & the clown regarding SA is over. |
Yes. Good games take a long time to make. That's not my point. My point is that Spirit Age is taking forever and so far none of its demos have been "good". Forever is such a huge exaggeration that it makes us seem like we're sitting on our ass doing absolutely nothing(to which i take offense to). with a great engine that streamlines development and implementation, we can do so much more in a much shorter order. SA has been recoded several times over because we were fixated with the idea of having something that wasnt terribly unplayable. and to my knowledge we've succeeded at that. it makes absolutely no sense to me to create a great game only to have it compromised by poor performance. You haven't even played it. And the only completed RPG I've ever made that actually contained any grinding whatsoever was that shitty Pokemon game I made in 2009. There is no grinding in Epic:Legend, nor is there any "Quest Grinding"- the quests are all based around interesting story instances that the player discovers throughout the world, and are done minimally so that we can focus on quality over quantity. Being my point exactly, I enjoy doing whatever I want when I play any game. my design philosophy is that Developer content has its place, but when you force that content as the only source of enjoyment then I immediately lose interest. My goal for spirit Age is ultimately to provide a great gaming experience for both Casual and hardcore gamers. This doesn't mean that the world has absolutely no lore(quite the contrary) It simply means that players would have that option to delve into what we've created. I'm going from what you've presented which was fighting enemies and bosses with some smart AI, demonstrating character progression and explaining how quests will work. All I see regarding "renewable content" is the ability for you guys to just slightly adjust the stats of your enemies and gear as the game goes further. If Spirit Age had terrible graphics, then you would have absolutely no fans, because the game-play would finally match the presentation. I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm just not inclined to say, "Good job, it's flawless" like all of the other ROTP fans when it's not. This is exactly what I had in my mind when I said you couldn't see the value of the tools we have now, so let me elaborate: the live mapper allows anyone with the required privileges to build pretty much anything. now, once this part of the engine has been revised thoroughly we can release it'll introduce another game mechanic; Construction which would allow players with the required materials to build anything from houses and furniture to merchant carts and even intimidating war machines. Not only that, it essentially adds several layers to our crafting system seeing as how crafting isn't structured only around the creation of gear and creates a casual gaming experience while being able to keep the attention of hardcore gamers. Now our Item editor, presents Huge modding possibilities and once it is refined we intend to have it accessible to all players as professions(Blacksmiths,Alchemists and Artisans). to create, upload and use gear They've created themselves and use them in the game seamlessly. with numerous possible variables using the system we can effectively allow players to create the weapon,items, Armor of their dreams with enough skill in their respective profession. These player made items wouldn't just be cosmetic. As you progress through the actual profession you would gain traits that you can use to imbue to that item upon its creation(essentially determine its use and effectiveness). This system doesn't mean that you as players cant create the gear we as developers have made. every item created would be stored in a database. so once its there anyone would be able to create What you have created with the required recipe. These things would in my opinion would create a dynamic economy for Spirit Age. Giving players the option to set up shop and sell equipment unique to that shop. Powerful equipment recipes will be highly sought after to the point where they would create natural source of conflict. in the end the possibilities become endless with SA's persistent and dynamic world. |
As the game maker improves, we will probably open it up for players to create their own Spirit Worlds. In time I may even write a full purpose creator to sit on top of BYOND's Dream Maker, I think it would make an awesome plug&create&play system, open up the creative BYOND world to those who would prefer to not have to write any code.
That however would be a separate project, so probably a bit later in the summer.