I don't understand all the fuss, you have the ability to ban him you should be thankful for that..
This isn't any worse than email spam or letter box crap.. Just chill out ban him and get over it... |
A.T.H.K wrote:
I don't understand all the fuss, you have the ability to ban him you should be thankful for that.. It's more an issue of principle than an issue of implementation. Why should everyone else have to ban each and every alt of his when he shouldn't be spamming in the first place? If the problem gets handled at the source by those who are able too (i.e. BYOND Staff), then the problem doesn't exist anymore. I think a server-wide blacklist would just about do the trick. And the only way to avoid the sticky ban would be to use another computer with a new MAC address (or spoof it, but I doubt he even know's what that is.) and use another internet source (or proxy). The fact that it's been allowed to get to this escalation is what's really sad. |
I have to agree with Solomn on this, whilst it's true that so long as the means to prevent the spammer exist you should implement them, if someone is being a consistent neusence to everyone and everything, it should be possible to globally mute them from any and all things BYOND for a day/week/month/ever.
If someone is standing outside your house and repetedly screaming into your windows, one the one hand it is your fault for not closing your windows, on the other hand it's also disruption of peace and as such higher authorities can be notified to have the issue rectified. |
Kumorii wrote:
I'll sue him for using 'orii' in his other name, as it's clearly trademarked by me. You can thank me later. You don't say. |
If someone is standing outside your house and repetedly screaming into your windows, one the one hand it is your fault for not closing your windows, on the other hand it's also disruption of peace and as such higher authorities can be notified to have the issue rectified. You are taking this way overboard ... It's the Internet you will always get this kind of crap (along with trolls) you just got to deal with it and use the tools provided. |
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