So...If you didn't hear about it yet, Microsoft has announced that they will change things for Xbox One.
No longer requiring you to stay connected nor having any limitations on sharing game with friends.
It's definitely the right choice there. 10 microsoft-gives-in-to-gamers-on-xbox-one-used-games-connecti on-requirement/
PS4 Wasn't very special at E3 but the fact that Xbox one went way too far with limiting how we shared games and how we needed a 24/7 connection, the choice was easy. Now the only difference is pretty much the price and the games. PS4=399$ vs Xbox=499$.
What do you guys think? (Stop with "PC GAMES!" shit xD)
![]() Jun 19 2013, 5:12 pm
![]() Jun 19 2013, 5:13 pm
good. that was ridiculous.
Actually what they announced at E3, wasn't so bad....
Except for the always online stuff, everything else was fine... |
I'm talking about the "login once a day or we revoke your service" type stuff.
That's not good at all. |
now to release a 100$ cheaper X1 with out kinect and ill buy a X1... i only play cod and zombie games other then the games im working on... also the ps3 controllers are to small
I think they are still a waste of money, buy a PC and ditch the consoles for good.
They cost Way too much for their intended purpose, you can get a quadcore PC for that price. F consoles. @ post below ~ Agree'd ~ Everyone thought it would be named the Xbox 720 but I guess they couldn't figure that out and had to just go back to the amount they can count: One. |
Xbox One is still the stupidest name I've ever heard of for the third iteration of a console. Xbox Infinity (or even Xbox 720) would have been a better name.
Here's a link to the site which broke the story and here's the official statement if you don't want to give traffic to shitaku.
Even with this development, the PS4 is still cheaper with more exclusives and more powerful hardware. PC is also still the best platform overall. Though, I guess if you really, really, really like Halo then this is some good news for you. |
SuperAntx wrote:
Here's a link to the site which broke the story and here's the official statement if you don't want to give traffic to shitaku. :( i cant decide cause that dead rising 3 is something i've been asking for. |
They also messed up by having GTA V release on the X-Box 360. More of a reason to just keep my 360. If that was only released on the X-Box One I would be more inclined to buy it, and I doubt I'm the only one.
Good point. Also, after skimming through the latest G.I. magazine, I noticed a lot of new games are going to be for the next-gen consoles and the xbox/PS3. Makes me wonder if I'll even buy the PS4. Most likely will.
Microsoft showed their true colors even though they changed their minds on these things. They'd have to be the biggest idiots in existence not to after all the crap they got for it. Still, we know what they really want to happen and I'm sure they'll still push for it in the future by creeping it in bit by bit. I can't support them.
I'm probably not alone. The moment I finished watching E3 I could not justify even joking about buying an Xbox One. The feeling hasn't gone away, and a lot of people were really disappointed by Microsoft. I imagine the PS4 will still do much better, especially since the price is much lower. There are also some issues that still aren't resolved, especially when it comes to privacy. In the end, I'm going to bet that Microsoft gave us too little too late, and it won't fix much. The Xbox fanboys that already exist now have reasons to stick with it, but those on the fence really don't besides a couple exclusive titles like Halo. |
I personally felt it is a very invasice, controlling system and that the person in charge of those ideals had some communist tendencies.
That may sound extreme, but that's what it reminded me of "if you use our stuff you have to agree to do what we say, no matter how much info you give us, or what we rig our software to do, that's the price of our system" That's basically all I heard. |