It's about Alex, a scientist who has lost his memories and must delve deep into the world of his dreams to find them. This lost information is key to saving the outside world from a corrupt corporation that Alex use to work for.
**I'm going to be replacing all of the artwork in this game, so once it's complete you can see my work in action by simply playing the game. :)
I just started doing some concept sketches the other day for the main character-- (Alex) and some monsters. I know quite a few of you wanted to see my pixel work so I decided to slap some up here right quick before I get back to work. :P

I start off with some concept sketches, even though the work will be done in pixels it's essential to get a feel for the character you're going to animate so you can have an idea in your head about how he/she is going to move and react in the game.
For example: Alex is sort of slouched over when I draw him because he doesn't have a great self-esteem or demanding presence. Unlike heroic sprites who are usually very energetic.

This is a 9 frame animation of Alex walking left.

This is what it looks like in motion.
Things to note: He's not shaded yet and his upper body (arms) have yet to be animated. This is just a leg-test.

LOL this is um, my brother's version of Alex. Poor thing. I'm sorry XD I'm so mean-- he did well considering he's a programmer, not an artist. XD
Total time spent on this sprite so far: roughly 6-10 hours.
Hope this helps some of you visualize my abilities-- I simply love to animate *g* so much fun fufufufufufuu <3
Let me know what you guys think! CC is definitely acceptable-- do let me know if you see something that looks 'off' that I didn't catch.
Thanks for reading! ^_^