Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
Drakina knows what she's talking about^
Damnit, fuck new pages
In response to Drakina
Drakina wrote:
Maybenot wrote:
Drakina wrote:
Maybenot wrote:
I can play Final fantasy back to back to back to...

It's pretty funny how I never really finished an entire Fire Emblem game :l
I.E. Ragequitted before finishing it because suck at Strategy Trolololol.

Not true ;n; I just never got into it that much, and I might have quit...But i came back like a day later.

Besides, FE > FF Because you don't need strategy to play FF games, None at ALL.
Cast Ultima

That isn't really true, you need to grind for exp and equips, raise gil, make sure everyone is at good standings before getting raped, make sure you have the spells or abilities so you don't get raped, don't forget armour so you don't get raped, also have the appropriate summonings.
In response to Maybenot

That isn't really true, you need to grind for exp and equips, raise gil, make sure everyone is at good standings before getting raped, make sure you have the spells or abilities so you don't get raped, don't forget armour so you don't get raped, also have the appropriate summonings.

You rarely have to plan several turns in advance, which is what you do in FE. -coughLunaticcough-
In response to Drakina
Drakina wrote:
That isn't really true, you need to grind for exp and equips, raise gil, make sure everyone is at good standings before getting raped, make sure you have the spells or abilities so you don't get raped, don't forget armour so you don't get raped, also have the appropriate summonings.

You rarely have to plan several turns in advance, which is what you do in FE. -coughLunaticcough-

The only time you don't really need to plan ahead is like the first 2 or 3 bosses depending on which game of course, I know FE requires more strategy than FF entirely, but that really doesn't change the fact that FF is fun. -coughPsychocough-
I never plan ahead when playing FF games, nor do I have any troubles either huehue.
In response to Kboy33
Kboy33 wrote:
You guys are amusing. We all know it's PS4 > Xbox1.

Don't even make me list the 9000 cons the Xbox1 has.

Thank you!
In response to Kboy33
Kboy33 wrote:
You guys are amusing. We all know it's PS4 > Xbox1.

Don't even make me list the 9000 cons the Xbox1 has.

Go on, Do it :P See if you can list 9000 DIFFERENT cons. >:3
1. The kinect always watches you.
2. The kinect always has to be on.
3. You can't have anymore "Private Time" like when Kensei picks his boogers.
4. Your family are not protected. Kayaba is out there.
5. If your inter-webz connection dies then you can't play games.
6. Having to play a single player game with ONLINE connection is the dogs cows bullocks.
7. Do cows have bullocks o.o. Okie since I don't know let's move on.
8. Having to play a single player game with ONLINE
connection is the cows udders. Yeah. *Fist Pump*
9. Your friend Derp who you've known for 7 years has to be friends with you for 30 more days before you give him a copy of your game.
10. I think only 1 copy of the game can be used.
11. Kit kat looking game consoles are 100% better. We all know it. So we can (pun time) have a break (pun time)- Fo' Real #bedintruder
12. PS4 is trending in my brain. Xbox1 isn't.
13. Kayaba supports the PS4.
14. Kirito supports the PS4.
15. Asuna supports the PS4.
16. Yui supports the PS4.
17. Klein supports the PS4.
18. Agil supports the PS4.
19. The Gleam Eyes supports the PS4.
20. The blehblehbleh supports the PS4.
21. There are 20 other pros for the PS4 thus they are against the Xbox1.
22. It has worse specs than it's original version. Da' Hell?
23. Drakina supports the PS4.
24. Kensei supports the PS4.
25. Ner0000 supports the PS4.
26. Maybenot supports the PS4.
27. Harukayaba Akihiko supports the PS4.
28. Mr.Gates (bill) supports the PS4 which is why he tried destroying his company.
29. Louis Suarez supports the PS4. He will bite anything that looks like a kit kat - or an arm. (English people FTW).
30. Maybenot and my boy Ner0000 will show you wassup. #ChallengeAccepted
Welp. 13-18. Pics or it didn't happen 23-28 Moar pics or it didn't happen. 23: I don'T support either as of now. The first one that gets out a FE game that's BETTER than Awakening will get instasupport. SO. Minus those.I.E. 12. You still need 8982 different ones, And they must be related to the console. >:C Which would make only what, 10 total. Too arsed to count.
Fuck PS4. Least Xbox doesn't have a history of being repetedly hacked. Some asshole from 4chan has all of your information, so whateves. Anyways Haruka's Last visit : Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:21 pm
Our own owner doesn't support the forums, WOWOWOWOWOWOW
KBoy and the server dude
looks totally boss man, cant wait, keep up the good work ^^
I lol'd
the and game dude
In response to EVIL.GABRIEL
the and game dude

Wat. Lrn2english pls. >:C
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