
by Falacy
Since the incompetently abusive admins of what passes a community around here have banned me from the public forums. I'll just post my replies to everything here. Nobody will ever read them, sad times for the people who actually need the help in this community and aren't abusively incompetent admins.
Awwww sad news :(

This should absolutely be done, and should have been done years ago. At a network delay of 3, games become noticeably slower, at 5 they become slide shows, and it gets progressively worse from there. You can (and probably should) force the delay to 0 by spamming something like this winset(src,null,"command='.configure delay 0'")
In response to Manikutty
Manikutty wrote:
Awwww sad news :(

lol I've been banned for a long time now. Just bored and figured I would pointlessly post replies that people would never see anyway.
In response to Falacy
oh lol
North + East macro = Northeast macro, and etc

Though North+East shouldn't necessarily call NorthEast, it should call both North and East, like in every other game/engine ever made. Seriously, when is the last time you played a game where you could only walk in 1 direction at a time? Never?

It is also not at all easy to pull off such an effect, as claimed by Nadrew in that thread. You have to handle key down+up macros, a loop to handle the movement, an efficient way to track which keys are down, and probably a variety of other details. The fact that this isn't the default functionality is just as idiotic and inexcusable as everything else on BYOND.
Also, this new non-member icon is horrendous and confusing, it should be removed. There probably shouldn't be a default member icon either, but at least that one isn't pathetically low quality and disturbing.
Custom Downloading Resources Pop-up

As far as I know, nobody uses that exe maker. It is insanely overcomplicated, insanely limiting, and not even available to the general public. It doesn't even address the issues brought up in the original post - people connecting through BYOND will still be shown a generic blue screen while downloading resources. Which pointlessly splits your players from information. The current exe maker should either be completely redesigned from the ground up, or just be removed, its current existence is nothing but failure. The one I threw together in just a few hours is far better than BYOND's official attempt at one.
Did byond disable page messages in 498.1163 version or is it just me.
In response to Manikutty
Manikutty wrote:
Did byond disable page messages in 498.1163 version or is it just me.

You have to be using the newest version of BYOND to send pager messages now. Which, with the 10billion things wrong with the new pager, updating just to send pager messages isn't at all worth it. Was anyone even pretending the pager was an adequate chat program to begin with?
but the new pager causes me lag with all its ads and other options :O

Makeshift system for pinging players, seems relatively accurate:
window.onload = function(){location.href = document.getElementById("ping");}
<a href='?src=\ref
[src];action=Ping' id="ping">PING</a>
src<<"[src.pingTime/10] seconds"
For best results this needs a higher world.fps. Add a hidden browser named PingWindow on the interface. Multiply pingTime*100 to get the millisecond ping that commercial games display.
After reading through majority of the new feature requests on BYOND, its nice to see people like Galactic Soldier, who is either one of the stupidest people in existence, or more likely a blatant troll, continue to maliciously post all over the place, while people who contribute intelligent and meaningful content get banned.
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:

Makeshift system for pinging players, seems relatively accurate:
> mob/var/tmp
> pingTime
> startPingTime
> mob/verb/Ping()
> src.startPingTime=world.time
> src<<browse({"
> <html>
> <head>
> <script>
> window.onload = function(){location.href = document.getElementById("ping");}
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <a href='?src=\ref
[src];action=Ping' id="ping">PING</a>
> </body>
> </html>
> "}
> mob/Topic(href,href_list[])
> switch(href_list["action"])
> if("Ping")
> src.pingTime=world.time-src.startPingTime
> src<<"[src.pingTime/10] seconds"

Nice :P
Falacy,Did u quit on Hu1 and Hu2
I believe he's quit on BYOND altogether.