What's been changed?
I optimized some of the NPCs and turfs to work with pixel movement effectively.
What is wanted to be changed?
Well, I want to change quite a few things but that's not entirely within my skills.
First, I want to add a nice login screen. Like how Teka's Angel Falls game comes with an intro that shows "BYOND Games" and then "Teka Co. Mafia" and after that, "Angel Falls" I am planning to make an intro that shows "BYOND Games" and then "Xirre Co. & Team" and after that, "Legend of Another World". I forgot who originally did this setup but I like the way it works and I have to give them credit, with the fading it is awesome. I have started making the "Legend of Another World" screen but it's just pink and plain for testing purposes.

I guess over time I can make it look a bit better myself but if anyone who is skilled with making nice images for things like this and can make "Xirre Co. & Team" as well look nice (They can design it however they like.) I would appreciate it and credit you for it.
I worked on "BYOND Games" and got it to look like this. :)

Secondly, I am working on making more quests to improve the story line. I'm going to make it more like Fable, Dishonored, and the rest of those kind of games. Where one choice leads to another possibility.