(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Problem description:Gives Me 359 Errors Wont Complie

You're new to ripping games, aren't you?
.. Really?

EDIT: At least he's honest.
yeah I could use some help...
In response to Chadlen
At least you openly admit to it, we cannot help you with what you have shown us either.
It's a little difficult to help you figure out the issue without knowing what the errors are. The massive block of code you posted (which is from the .dme file) is virtually worthless, and only lets us know what files are in your project.
Have you considered reading the DM Guide?
In response to Kumorii
Rippers don't read the DM guide.
loading baystation12.dme
baystation12.dme:1581:error: end of file reached inside of comment beginning of comment

baystation12.dmb - 359 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

ok wait how do to you see the errors<
You have an opened comment starter and you need to fix.
In response to Chadlen
Best response
If I recall, this error means you have an open multi-line comment somewhere (A /* without a succeeding */). Navigate to the file it's specifying ( and go to line 46.
ok I went to line 46 this is a part of it arround line 46 what to I change?

#define FILE_DIR "sound/voice"
#define FILE_DIR "sound/weapons"
#define DEBUG
#include <forum_account\actionrpgframework\action-rpg-framework.dme >
#include <forum_account\autojoining\autojoining.dme>
In response to Chadlen
You have to open the file then go to line 46. You're still in the .dme which is completely useless to us.
In response to Chadlen
i cant find
In response to Chadlen
Search harder.
found it now what do i do?
In response to Chadlen
Show me the line with the error, line 46.
hard to count i cant see eyes are hurting lol

desc = "It is set to detonate in 10 seconds."
name = "firbang"
icon = 'icons/obj/grenade.dmi'
icon_state = "flashbang"
var/state = null
var/det_time = 100.0
w_class = 2.0
item_state = "flashbang"
throw_speed = 4
throw_range = 20
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