Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death!
:< Why you no put it online, I love SAO and game looks awesome.
In response to Drakina
Drakina wrote:
:< Why you no put it online, I love SAO and game looks awesome.


Anyways...he don't want to throw me the host files.
bonjour pourquoi le jeu Sword Art Online n'est pas en ligne ?
hello why the game Sword Art Online is not online?
In response to Shutaku
Shutaku wrote:
hello why the game Sword Art Online is not online?

cause players there right now are unable to log out...and same with us for we cannot log in...Let's just hope they'll all survive
oki thank you for your reply. but it's that we can play again?
In response to Shutaku
Shutaku wrote:
oki thank you for your reply. but it's that we can play again?

if we play the game...we cannot log out unless we kill the last boss...and if we die in-game, we will die IRL...aren't you scared?
nah I'm not afraid because this is a game not nevergear there so we will not die
In response to Shutaku
Shutaku wrote:
nah I'm not afraid because this is a game not nevergear there so we will not die

You will. Your soul gets dragged into the screen and you'll be stuck inside the game. Meanwhile, your body goes to a koma in real life. Watch out :o
In response to Niro1
Niro1 wrote:
Shutaku wrote:
nah I'm not afraid because this is a game not nevergear there so we will not die

You will. Your soul gets dragged into the screen and you'll be stuck inside the game. Meanwhile, your body goes to a koma in real life. Watch out :o

Coma* xD
HBC, It's not me not wanting to send the hostfiles, it's these 2 reasons.

1. The game needs more so you guys can have fun. I'm trying to remap it so it looks better, add quests, shops etc.

2. I have exams next week so I have to revise this week :i

Also guys, for the sake of having international players on this game, I think I'll add in an extra chat (being french for the meantime) along with the English one. It's only fair after all ^^.
en tout cas bonne chance pour l'examen ^^'
mr. pink is back from playing sword art online..... i got annoyed by there being a logout button that didnt work so i suggest you do the same!
:O Nevaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!1!111111!!!!!

Welcome back renn ;D
Welcome back Sir Pinkalot >:D
at the rate i used internet i will have it for two more days but for now, let's party!!!!
My laptop had to die at the most untimely time. I finally got a computer again, so how goes the SAOing?
:D greenbasturds back so it really is party time :D
-glomps Kboy- yo :3
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