Currently I am stuck on what to do for Exp Formula and monster stats, so I came to the Design Philosophy to ask you guys how you go about it? So how would you guys about character exp formulas?
-Exp: 0
-Exp Needed: ??
-Exp */+ ???
And for monster stats?
Basic Slime
Strength: ?
Defense: ?
Accuracy: ?
Exp Give: ?
Actually you're right, here's a better version. Made this last night in a hurry lol.
Calc_Next_Exp() |
Depends on how complex you want it.
You could do something like this though. Levelup() |
There's all kinds of ways you can go about this. Look up growth formulas and find one that suits you. I recommend exponential or cubic.
There is an alternative to exponentially increasing required EXP. Many games work on a base "100 / 1000 EXP levels up" but alter the EXP gain depending on the difficulty of the enemy.
An early enemy on a low-level character for example might give 25 EXP for a kill, 4 kills for a level up, but later on it might only give 3 EXP, 33ish kills for a level up. There is several ways of setting this up, you could have a monster level variable that compares to a player level. A higher monster than player level gives more EXP, and a lower monster level gives less EXP. |
This actually holds a certain technical sense also, seen as you do have practical limits on your numbers that exponential growth hits much much more easily.
If you ask me, this is how exp should be done. How much exp is 1 million? Is it a lot? Is it a little? Who knows unless you know how much exp a monster gives you.
The amount of exp needed and had is just a way for the player to see their progress towards the next level. It exists for this purpose only and is secondary to the actual exp system. What you should be doing, is tracking how many kills is needed to level up. As an example, you make it so a monster gives you exp needed / 5 + 5 * level. At level 1 you need to kill 5 things, 10 at level 2 and so on. After this, the amount of exp needed to level up doesn't really matter, it's a filler number and something as simple as 1000 * level would work. Also if you ask me, you should keep numbers (relatively) small. I'm dumb and when I need 1,368,662,954 exp and a monster gives me 834,456 I cannot work out how many kills this is without a calculator. |
Here's a litle something something, Stephen made it for me a while back. The numbers behind the "//" are some good scale/growth rates.. I tend to use (100, 68) often, it seems more reasonable. Just try it out, and you'll find something you like.
ExperienceCalculator |
Usually, what I prefer to do is square the delta of the desired position, and multiply the product of the square against a specific endpoint.
Set up your arbitrary values: max_level = 100 max_exp = 1000000 delta = (next_level)/(max_level) exp_next = delta*delta*max_exp This is more or less how the curve works: 2 = 400xp 3 = 900xp 4 = 1600xp 5 = 2500xp 10 = 10,000xp 20 = 40,000xp 30 = 90,000xp 40 = 160,000xp 50 = 250,000xp 75 = 562,500xp 99 = 980,100xp 100 = 1,000,000xp |
I think we found what Ter loves, he is soaking this up :p
on another note very nice formulas ter might even use them |
Very cool, no I get you. This math isn't really very difficult but I found I needed to write it down and do the simplification that way.
Good ways to adjust it. It's basically just playing around with what part of the function is dominant when and how you can make one part more or less dominant. The way I make my functions for exp curves is in a graphical program and I adjust it using different techniques until it's just the right shape then I take a slice of it. To take the slice I don't start from x = 0, I use something like x = 25 and go to x = 124 for 99 levels. It's more complicated than what you're doing so it's nice to have a more simple approach. |
Exp curves aren't too hard to make, the key is having some basic algebra skills, a graphing program like GeoGebra and the knowledge that ln()+ x^2.5 is the sort of curve used in games.
Level 99 : 1.85 Mill
Level 90 : 1.50 Mill
Level 80 : 1.14 Mill
Level 70 : 841,751
Level 60 : 598,501
Level 40 : 259,000
Level 30 : 150,750
Level 20 : 75,500
Level 10 : 27,250
Level 5 : 11,375
Level 1 : 1,950