By the way if you still want to argue against it just search "FrostFox" and prove yourself wrong by clicking page two. These kids.. smh.
Murowko wrote:
And Frostfox quit spying and lets get some work done. I just wanted to see this argument come to an end xD but obviously you're right |
So you are telling me, You are not on page ONE....but page TWO? search?q=frostfox&aq=f&oq=frostfox&aqs=chrome.0.59j60l4j0.16 02j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=frostfox&ei=MCNtUfjrFY2ayQHA moHYDQ&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.aWc &fp=6b674250341cd76f&biw=1002&bih=720
Which means AGAIN you are STILL not good enough for advertisement. Since google priority works 3 ways. Learn those 3 ways buddy before you argue me down on advertisement. search?q=shinobi+severed+ties&aq=f&oq=shinobi+severed+ties&a qs=chrome.0.57j62l3j60.5817j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Shinobi Severed ties, PRIORITY first page. Booom Please let me get you some lessons in Advertisement, and you can stop logging on ALT keys and talking to yourself. And for the 7th time, you wont leave. BTW my site is still number one first spot, and I havnt updated it in a year. So once again. GET....ON...MY.....LEVEL! |
You're right Murowko he's slow. T_T
Murowko Wrote < "My gawd, you're slow. My site isn't popular enough to just pop up at the top from me just writing FrostFox, it wont take long to get there though since it's not a common name. So please, do you a favor save that shit." He makes excuse after excuse and fails to read everything. He thinks just because we bought a site it's supposed to bump all other sites near its name out the way to the top that would be dumb. xD |
FrostFox Games wrote:
You're right Murowko he's slow. T_T Quit linking me I told you we're done. Now he's just in denial. |
Oh look you log on a different key and try to pretend you are a different person Now you will continue to debate me and lose on this key. My site was on the priority page DAY 1 and Remained there for all this time. My Allah/God/Buddah and the flying Spaghetti monster. You are like a dumb dog that cant understand commands. Im gonna actually leave you to keep agreeing with yourself on your alts (which you will continue to do) and come back to you Friday and see just how horrible you are doing. Imma check every 2 weeks, just so I can watch you fail.
And Once again, you come back. Thank you for digging that hole for yourself, my arms got tired and it was nice of you to dig your own grave. |
You both fail, you just spent all this time debating over a rip you both claimed to not care about. Worse thing is, this Azure kid verbally abused you so hard he should be banned. I hate NFE rips but when I got linked to this laugh fest I could not resist. Frostfox huh, I might host my game on it. But after this Azure kid just owned you verbally I am thinking of Zenhosting as a better option. I mean he made you look stupid every time he replied to your post. Then again he is dumb for debating with a stupid person for so long. But hey everyone has secret pleasures. My money is on the Azure kid.
Wow... Lol where should I start..
1. Azure isn't part of this game's staff. 2. The game's playerbase is way above 8. 3. I don't know why you are discussing about something as stupid as that. 4. This game isnt even Alpha, its like.. Barely beta, so what youre saying is stupid 5. Bragging is for noobs..... And that's it I think :o |
Murowko wrote:
No better yet, yo sound dumb as hell. You possibly, work at Mc'donalds and is the Alpha male of your shitty rip so you're trying to look smart to your capacity which obviously, isn't that high. My gawd, I'm done here. Also you obviously, need to advertise by the way. Face it, your community is small and shit, this is why you have enough time on your hands to respond to me. And your game is a complete rip unlike mine. So I wouldn't need to. yeeeep 30-40 players and ur still coming around licking at is good im done now...btw ur site still has 0 traffic |
Connecting to byond://
Setting network delay to 0. |
Ok what in the hell are u guys doing just give us the old game back this shit isnt even playable no more with all the fuckin lag damn.
Yeah, whst's up with the game? :( I never comment on here so you know theres an issue >.>
Can the game either fix the Mizurappa thing or make more admins because there's never any online in the morning (I live in the UK) and its annoying being faced with lag. Plus, it will also fix the issue with people bugging the arena/challenge.
I'd be more than happy to try for admin. I'm always on, never been banned or booted, nor have I abused. We do definitely need more admins in-game, because it won't help when all the admins get on late and we need an early reboot cuz some fool used mizurappa ._.
I'm done. But, you obviously, don't know shit about search engines. At first you stated my site wouldn't show because it's unsafe, I showed you the list now you're saying that's because I searched its url. My gawd, you're slow. My site isn't popular enough to just pop up at the top from me just writing FrostFox, it wont take long to get there though since it's not a common name. So please, do you a favor save that shit.
And Frostfox quit spying and lets get some work done.