Your entire post was you raging and crying like a child. Nothing more Look at you. My honesty must have really gotten under your skin. You have a smurf account because like most trolls you were Banned from LoL on your main. GG....I mean honestly i sense nothing but anger and rage from you, I even left and came back and watched you erupt more. It is sad, you are sad, I feel sorry for your mother is all i can say.
Worst part is, you spent 400 dollars on league, and you suck, your not even ranked.
Me---> You should try to get on my League of Legend level, worse thing is, I didnt have to spend over 40 bucks, and I have all but 4 champions. Yet you spent 400 and you are not even ranked. 4 Words for you sport. Get On My level |
Thats the thing about you. You are so mad, you have nothing. You brag about stuff you aint got. Its like you are living in an imaginary world, and you are the American idol, and you're not. You are simply a man. A man who talks and talks and get nut up and put up. You spent 400 dollars on a game you suck on, You brag about Servers you dont have, hell I bet you dont even know how to properly configure active directory for a state wide branch while maintaining limted access to only a select few domain controllers. Imma re-vamp the famous words of Em into my own case and point for you. World, I'm done with this clown, fuck it, he is soft. Here, imma just let society finish you off.
Frostfox an untrusted website known for scams...... GG 8996691493c3e650fe806b9f6c3519ea8a916ac95cb8053c92f3991526c/ analysis/1366102652/ Scam written all over it, Nice GG Shutdown? |
Ok enjoy your monopoly money. Pass go and collect 200 dollars while your at it. BTW
Daily Traffic 0 percent. Someone gets Zero Visitors. yet gonna go back to my SMALL real project, enjoy your scam. |
Azureflames wrote:
Ok enjoy your monopoly money. Pass go and collect 200 dollars while your at it. BTW Lawlz, I haven't advertised it at all, but when I host *In just Alpha Stage* I get way more players than you. Lawl I'm done. Gonna leave you young ones alone, I got work to do enjoy your small lil'village. Everyone knows soon's it's done Exodus players and possibly* every other Naruto games players will be at my doorstep. My wrist got my chilling, I'm doing everything you not doing anything. |
Sure and tell me when does Elvis and Tupac get there? Biggie smalls on bass Guitar to right? Ehm. You see the difference between me and you, you have to advertise, false brag. Build yourself up. Me? I can Open my Wallet. Pull at my Comptia A+, Security+, Network+, CCNA, Linux+, And Microsoft 680 and 685 cards. And have no need for speech at all. So to be honest one of my certs alone most likely exceeds the cost of your current paycheck. But im not gonna go down that lane, imma just keep Statscrop up monitoring your scam, I mean malicious website, I mean LEGIT ORGINIZATION -wink wink- And eat some popcorn~
No better yet, yo sound dumb as hell. You possibly, work at Mc'donalds and is the Alpha male of your shitty rip so you're trying to look smart to your capacity which obviously, isn't that high. My gawd, I'm done here. Also you obviously, need to advertise by the way. Face it, your community is small and shit, this is why you have enough time on your hands to respond to me. And your game is a complete rip unlike mine. So I wouldn't need to.
Good for you, and that is why you are going nowhere,"Gonna leave you young ones alone, I got work to do enjoy your small lil'village." Yet you are still here, worse thing is, you assume this is my game, or I have a form of GM on it, I just love shutting down the dreams of little....petty things such as you who come to me with banter and smug comments. Its so.....cute.
But obviously, it wont go nowhere, NFF just did a big update so you're back in the shitter. Poor thing, now I gotta leave you and your dusty poor community alone where the dumbest of broads are thrown GM status because the owner is a lonely, fuck and they admit this.
Doubt it, knowing you, this is how things will play out. Your site will be labled as a scam (it already is and labled for malicious ware) Its not gonna be listed in the yahoo or google search engine immediately, you are most likely gonna sat back and have another rage moment, and believe in your mind that you some how can compete with me, and be better. When im sure your petty server(s)/Website in general does not have the proper protection it needs to protect it or its users. Im sure your knowledge on Linux servers or even Microsoft servers is low to minimum. Considering the average bandwith a BIG byond game uses up, you would either A have to add caps on the bandwith to save yourself money or B raise your prize higher than that of zenhosting or several other websites. Long story short. The only thing you will find yourself friday, is a big cold bucket of, disappointment.
Azureflames wrote:
Doubt it, knowing you, this is how things will play out. Your site will be labled as a scam (it already is and labled for malicious ware) Its not gonna be listed in the yahoo or google search engine immediately, you are most likely gonna sat back and have another rage moment, and believe in your mind that you some how can compete with me, and be better. When im sure your petty server(s)/Website in general does not have the proper protection it needs to protect it or its users. Im sure your knowledge on Linux servers or even Microsoft servers is low to minimum. Considering the average bandwith a BIG byond game uses up, you would either A have to add caps on the bandwith to save yourself money or B raise your prize higher than that of zenhosting or several other websites. Long story short. The only thing you will find yourself friday, is a big cold bucket of, disappointment. .722.0j3j1.4.0.ernk_timepromotiona..0.0...1.1.9.psy-ab.jU4y7m c5TV8&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.dmQ&fp= a1bf5b60f2b85734&biw=1366&bih=638 1st link. So dumb. 4 Links down... and my alias is all over the net... |
You proved me correct, you have said you were going 5 times now, and you are still here. and what you did is called a heard search, which wont help you for advertisement purposes. This is what you get when you search frostfox. rostfox&gs_l=serp.3..35i39j0j0i30l2.17457.18108.0.18427.4.4. &bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=6b674250341cd76f&biw=1002&bih=720 Meaning unless someone knows your direct link, (which googling it would be BESIDES the point then) You are labled UNLISTED. You expect to host and control a hosting site and you dont know step one to basic advertising? And you think you are going to make a fortune. |
thats wonderful, you cant prove me wrong on the google topic, nor back up your skills of hosting/advertising knowledge so you jump to E-Grammar. Ok, Lets see, Friday, few days away. (btw you still have not left like you said, my guess is you are going to be a hypocrite and continue to respond here therefore proving your own statement invalid) friday comes lets just see how many hits you get. Oh, and those malicious responses that got returned for your site. Might wanna get that checked.
GG dude give it up. Move on in your life. I play league of legend and im more of a pro than you at it. Boom thats it.. lalalala Ok bye now shoo. My money says you will respond again just because you think you have a point to prove.