Seems most of my files are gone, the only capture that has working images is this one from nearly 5 years ago -
In response to Murowko
Murowko wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
The blogs weren't beneficial to BYOND. It segmented the community a bit much, honestly. Tom's given some pretty good reasons for removing them. In the end, I think his current monetization approach of trying to keep the site developer-only, and moving the monetization strategy to ad-based revenues is probably for the best.

Well obviously this developer only thing isn't working especially since most of the people on this site only spend half there time on the forums gossiping. So bringing it back will give even those people who don't even use the engine for much and gamer's more power, and Tom more profit.

Actually, you are both assuming that I'm saying that the site itself is going to be part of the revenue strategy.

Look at Tom's plans. The strategy I mentioned isn't even started. Any site-oriented approach he has just won't work, and hasn't worked. In the end, tom's looking to allow development across multiple platforms from the look of things, and trying to cut the developers on the forum out of the model as much as possible. Let's face it, the forum-dwellers and the actual game developers of this community are hardly the same crowd.

I think tom is going to focus more on monetization through the games themselves and not via the portal.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Murowko wrote:
Ter13 wrote:
The blogs weren't beneficial to BYOND. It segmented the community a bit much, honestly. Tom's given some pretty good reasons for removing them. In the end, I think his current monetization approach of trying to keep the site developer-only, and moving the monetization strategy to ad-based revenues is probably for the best.

Well obviously this developer only thing isn't working especially since most of the people on this site only spend half there time on the forums gossiping. So bringing it back will give even those people who don't even use the engine for much and gamer's more power, and Tom more profit.

Actually, you are both assuming that I'm saying that the site itself is going to be part of the revenue strategy.

Look at Tom's plans. The strategy I mentioned isn't even started. Any site-oriented approach he has just won't work, and hasn't worked. In the end, tom's looking to allow development across multiple platforms from the look of things, and trying to cut the developers on the forum out of the model as much as possible. Let's face it, the forum-dwellers and the actual game developers of this community are hardly the same crowd.

I think tom is going to focus more on monetization through the games themselves and not via the portal.

I can't agree with you at all. The difference between forum dwellers and developers that want to do something big is huge. The difference is clear and has been around for years. The forum dwellers shouldn't be compared to real developers, why? Simply, because they've been ruining BYOND for years now. Complaining day after day about anything they could find. Its caused many to suffer, and Tom continues to listen to them because they spend the most time on the forums complaining killing off a-lot of developers and website features. And it'll continue to happen, because once again trolls play forums, gamers play games.

These dwellers don't even work or games or have no talent so they've given up long ago to ruin others shot belittling, BYOND back to back but still bugs its community.
Once again, you have misunderstood what I said.

Per usual, you have completely flipped what I said on end and assumed that you and I are in disagreement.

I specifically said in the above post that the people who hang out on the forums aren't the same people who actually make worthwhile and/or profitable games. You didn't disagree with what I said, you agreed with it.

As for what tom's been doing... I can't see your point about who he has listened to that led him in the wrong direction. The changes to the software and website have been pretty reasonable and beneficial to the community, if not the most profitable. But I see that changing with the new pager.
As for the trolling point, I've seen seven threads this week about how trolling is too common, and at least 30 accusations of trolling. I've seen maybe two actual instances of trolling in that time.

People around here need to grow a thicker skin.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
As for the trolling point, I've seen seven threads this week about how trolling is too common, and at least 30 accusations of trolling. I've seen maybe two actual instances of trolling in that time.

People around here need to grow a thicker skin.

Not really. And I didn't misunderstand anything you said, I just answered one part of your response to my comment.

Anyway lets be 100% honest here for a second. Tom would indeed make more money with CSS modifying back on the market. There's no denying that.
I've never understood the fuss with blogs being removed. Alternative free blogs like Wordpress and Tumblr exist (which actually give you more control over your stylesheet and other functions), and it wouldn't really be a problem if you cross-posted them here on the forums. Or just made threads on the forums about whatever it is you're doing anyways, really. Which was sort of the intended idea when blogs were removed, to centralize discussions here.
In response to LordAndrew
LordAndrew wrote:
I've never understood the fuss with blogs being removed. Alternative free blogs like Wordpress and Tumblr exist (which actually give you more control over your stylesheet and other functions), and it wouldn't really be a problem if you cross-posted them here on the forums. Or just made threads on the forums about whatever it is you're doing anyways, really. Which was sort of the intended idea when blogs were removed, to centralize discussions here.

Lord Andrew, that's like saying why people stopped using Myspace for Facebook.
In response to LordAndrew
While I do believe that going off site is a better option for developers, what about the middle man?

I personally don't want a blog, I saw it as a great membership perk and so did many others, I am sure BYOND's cash flow got shorter removing blogs as many users/middlemen/developers bought a membership solely for them.

Now the membership is kind of worthless for some, and if hub's become free (which Tom has mentioned a few times) memberships will only be for a few things such as a forum icon, no ads, paging and helping BYOND grow (that's all I can think of for now).
In response to LordAndrew
LordAndrew wrote:
I've never understood the fuss with blogs being removed. Alternative free blogs like Wordpress and Tumblr exist (which actually give you more control over your stylesheet and other functions), and it wouldn't really be a problem if you cross-posted them here on the forums. Or just made threads on the forums about whatever it is you're doing anyways, really. Which was sort of the intended idea when blogs were removed, to centralize discussions here.

Its not the same.
Yeah lets be honest once again. People say *which is dumb* buying memberships is to support BYOND only, and that's there excuse for removing the perks. It's even on the first page on this post. Not a-lot or even a little amount of people are gonna give BYOND money out the goodness of their heart. The people on here are too offensive, not polite, useless most of the time. With PERKS people will buy more stuff for them, and their key and right now that wont happen because the perks are on low.

People used to buy to customize there sites and impress the people they played BYOND games with, not to "support" BYOND where you get flamed for not knowing when to us "its" and "it's" poor kids.
In response to ImmeasurableHate
ImmeasurableHate wrote:
LordAndrew wrote:
I've never understood the fuss with blogs being removed. Alternative free blogs like Wordpress and Tumblr exist (which actually give you more control over your stylesheet and other functions), and it wouldn't really be a problem if you cross-posted them here on the forums. Or just made threads on the forums about whatever it is you're doing anyways, really. Which was sort of the intended idea when blogs were removed, to centralize discussions here.

Its not the same.

You are absolutely right it is not the same, with the wordpress / tumblr idea I could make money theming them up for people, while with blogs I couldn't really make much money. Also it isn't the same in that those alternatives seem a lot more professional / offer more.
In response to EnigmaticGallivanter
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
ImmeasurableHate wrote:
LordAndrew wrote:
I've never understood the fuss with blogs being removed. Alternative free blogs like Wordpress and Tumblr exist (which actually give you more control over your stylesheet and other functions), and it wouldn't really be a problem if you cross-posted them here on the forums. Or just made threads on the forums about whatever it is you're doing anyways, really. Which was sort of the intended idea when blogs were removed, to centralize discussions here.

Its not the same.

You are absolutely right it is not the same, with the wordpress / tumblr idea I could make money theming them up for people, while with blogs I couldn't really make much money. Also it isn't the same in that those alternatives seem a lot more professional / offer more.

That's because those are made for that job, I'm sure he means that at home feeling, and it still being BYOND. Good example they're other game engines out there, but people prefer BYOND or there's burger king, but people prefer McDonalds (shrug) and since we're here, popular demand.
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.
In response to BayJune
BayJune wrote:
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.

That's like me coming to your home and telling you that your way of decorating is unprofessional and childish so I'm gonna take it from you.
In response to Murowko
Murowko wrote:
BayJune wrote:
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.

That's like me coming to your home and telling you that your way of decorating is unprofessional and childish so I'm gonna take it from you.

Exactly , in a way :P
In response to Murowko
Murowko wrote:
BayJune wrote:
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.

That's like me coming to your home and telling you that your way of decorating is unprofessional and childish so I'm gonna take it from you.

Obviously, you've never heard of homeowners' associations.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Murowko wrote:
BayJune wrote:
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.

That's like me coming to your home and telling you that your way of decorating is unprofessional and childish so I'm gonna take it from you.

Obviously, you've never heard of homeowners' associations.

I haven't, but I'm pretty sure if I paint my walls red and put screenshots of Naruto RIPS on the walls they wont be able to do anything about it. WELL IN AMERICA LOL
In response to Murowko
Murowko wrote:
BayJune wrote:
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.

That's like me coming to your home and telling you that your way of decorating is unprofessional and childish so I'm gonna take it from you.

No, thats different.
In response to BayJune
BayJune wrote:
Murowko wrote:
BayJune wrote:
I agree with Flame Sage and some css made the site look unprofessional and childish.

That's like me coming to your home and telling you that your way of decorating is unprofessional and childish so I'm gonna take it from you.

No, thats different.

No, not really my boy. Why visit a blog page if you're gonna complain about it? No difference. Why visit a ripped Naruto Game if you're gonna complain about it? See who's in the wrong? As an adult people should know by now to treat all others equally, if you can't do that you have no followers behind what you say because it's misleading and obvious especially, if I compared it to a situation like that with ease.
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