It also includes a helpful replacement for get_dir called get_dir_angle()
As it stands, get_dir will return NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST only when the target atom is at exactly that direction from the source.
Otherwise it returns a combination, such as NORTHEAST. Let's have an example...
A=source, B=target
| |
| A |
| B |
In the example above, B is 26 spaces tot he right of A, while it's only 1 space lower. BYOND's get_dir returns SOUTHEAST in this situation.
The issue is that if you want A's dir to look intuitively toward B, it would return EAST, as the offset in the Y position is far outweighed by that in the X position.
That is what get_dir_angle() does. First it uses get_angle() to calculate the proper angle between A and B, and uses that angle to return a more appropriate direction.
This is helpful in projects that use 8 directional icons, or just want to have more approprite returned angle. I've also included a version for 4 directional calls in case you'd like
to only return NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, or WEST, and never anything inbetween. There is also a slightly more accurate version for mobs, in case you want step offsets to be applied as well.
get_dir_angle(atom/a,atom/b) - This uses the angle between atoms (a) and (b) to give a more appropriate result than get_dir.
get_dir_angle4(aton/a,atom/b) - much like get_dir_angle, but only resolves the four cardinal directions.
get_angle(atom/a,atom/b) - a basic angle proc for two atoms based on loc, this proc is used for get_dir_angle, as sometimes you want the angle for atoms. This uses get_angle_nums to process its return.
get_angle_nums(ax,ay,bx,by) - a basic angle proc for numerical values. This is used if you already have four numbers to pass as arguments instead of atoms. This is used by get_angle().
get_pix_pos(atom/a) - This proc is used by get_angle() in the event that any of the arguments are atoms. It returns a list of the atoms position (in pixels) in two variables. Ex: list(320,336)
get_angle_dir(atom/a) - this proc gives you the angle based on a given atom (or dir). This is helpful if you're using accurate angles already and you wish to find the angle of a dir.
get_turn(a,b) - when working with angles, find which direction, clockwise or counterclockwise, the angle (a) should be adjusted in order to reach the angle provided (b).
between(a,b,c,strict) - find whether or not value (a) is between (b) and (c). Strict denotes that (a) cannot be equal to (b) or (c).
get_dist_sq(atom/a,atom/b) - a helper proc I added for the hell of it. Returns a true distance in pixels based on pythagorean theorem a^2+b^2=c^2
2/1/2013 - Updates to make it get_angle_nums a bit faster. Thanks to FIREking and Mangun2k for their input!
Removed the need for get_angle_step and any other code that was argument specific. get_angle now accepts atoms, mobs, or numeric values.
Added two helper procs one that are used in the library. get_pix_pos() and get_dist_sq()
Included demo files so that some simple profiling can be done.
1/10/2013 - Updated to change how get_turn works. Much more efficient at grabbing the proper direction to turn now. Cut the proc down to 1/3 it's original size.
1/10/2013 - Updated to include between() proc, fixed get_angle_step to work for any world.icon_size.