Hey BYOND Community, I think everyone here deserves a good laugh. Recently, the past 5 days I've been out in the country where I used to live, hanging out with my 3 bestest friends ever. My friend Paul, and I, decided to put on his girl friends clothes and get laughs. I could care less if you troll, I didn't do it for you, but anyways, have a great laugh.

Paul is on the left, and I'm on the right.
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Haha xD
In response to Kaigne
Kaigne wrote:
- You're back, once again. :D

- You know you like this picture (;.

Kozuma3 wrote:
Haha xD
- The gray bra was so hard to get on, I had to get help to put it on. It was kinda tight, but it didn't fit me :[
It's scary how the underwear actually kinda fits you. Lmfao.
I think the stash and grainy beard really pulls the look together.
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
It's scary how the underwear actually kinda fits you. Lmfao.
- They're lace, that means their able to stretch. I just basically called myself fat, but it doesn't matter.

Cloud Magic wrote:
almost as though they're his
- Their mine now, I asked to keep them for I could give to somebody.

Boxcar wrote:
I would of looked sexier if I didn't shave a couple days ago :[
I remember my first beard.
I've seen worse
In response to Magicsofa
Magicsofa wrote:
I've seen worse

Where was the girlfriend when this was going down? Hopefully not the one taking the pic.
In response to Lemon Squeegee
Lemon Squeegee wrote:
Where was the girlfriend when this was going down? Hopefully not the one taking the pic.
- LOL, yeah she was taking the picture.
Now that is what i needed you just made my day *goes to bed*
Lol anyone else get a boner? ?? :O !!?!?!
J/kay, It was a good laugh for like a few seconds Flys.