Here's a bunch of isometric junk I've created while screwing with the Pixel Movements Isometric programming. Feel free critique the stuff.
Nov 15 2012, 1:07 am
Nice stuff man!
Agreed, looks awesome. (:
Only gripe I have is that they look incomplete as though they're WIP's. Other than that, they look awesome. Keep it up! (: |
In response to Calus CoRPS
Calus CoRPS wrote:
Looks great! |
In response to Skyiden
Skyiden wrote:
Or, you could join another pixel artist who's working on a game ;] |
The walking is incomplete......he steps forward with his left and resets....looks like he is limping...also need fix his feet. Just seems weird can't pinpoint it just know the right foot seems misshapen.
You're wrong, opened it in gimp to check(@_@ I had to download it off my photobucket). He starts off with his right and then goes to his left. The first and last frames don't line up perfecting for looping though. :S
And I'd be glad to join some people in making an isometric game. :D |
Isometric animations can be very tough. The left and right legs do not seem to be following the same motion lines and the body doesn't seem to have any weight due to lack of vertical shift. Height usually varies a bit between the full extension of the step and the mid part. Still, you gotta start somewhere!
The trees also look a bit cluttered and the bark is a busy/unnatural. Almost more flesh like. I would suggest using the form and highlighting broadly instead of focusing so much on the bark. It looks a bit overdone. |