I mean, the lack of content is astounding and when people do post, if they aren't what we call'good' they simply get ignored, honestly, PAS use to have posts daily at one point, what is going on?
well honestly, im a beginner pixel artist, and when i want some help i think about posting my work here and the replies i get are "bad", "sux", then i say "What is exactly my mistake or weak point. they say" Look up some tuts" without stating my real problem so basically this section is no help for me, i dont know about other people.
Personally I don't post because I'm not good at art.

It's hard for me to tell whether it's good or bad unless I see whole picture in the actual game. And if it doesn't fit together I can't tell what's wrong. I'm just more into programming.
I've been pretty active with some art, but I find it easier to ask Chatters or someone on MSN what they think. Just a person preference. I think the issue is a matter of two things;

A. Lack of skilled artists on BYOND. This is one of our downfalls seeing as I can only name three /good/ pixel artists that are active on BYOND. UPD4T3, Yut Put and Oasiscircle.

B. Everybody discourages newbies. I'm not going to lie, BYOND's community is pretty shitty. I'm not pulling a Falacy here, but when a new pixel artist shows up with their progress and are actually willing to try, they immediately get shot down by other members of the community. If we actually embraced and helped artists like we should, I doubt this would be as much of a problem.

Then again, it'd probably be better to have some new-age developers that hold graphics a little higher than the average BYONDer.
A. As far as I know UPD4T3 has not posted in quite a while, and I feel that is quite an over statement, considering there are a few fairly good artists, some better than others, but they do post from time to time, the only who who comes to mind who doesn't post is Zane, unless I bug him.

B. Irony being, the people telling them they suck, tend to be just as 'good' as them, in other words its people in glass houses throwing stones, if someone tells you, you suck, simply ignore them, and await another post, I for one avoid posts with random insistent fighting in them, so if someone simply ignores an insult, I would gladly post something constructive.
UPD4T3 is still around; he's working with me and ExPixel on Feed 2. I forgot about Zane, although he doesn't seem to do much very often outside of Spirit Age.

while that may be true, it's still discouraging when a large portion of the community(including some of the more "known" members) is mocking your talents and just pointing out the flaws - Not even explaining on what should be done to correct said flaws or applauding things done properly.
He doesn't do anything out of Spirit Age what so ever, lol.

There lies the issue, a large portion of our community consists of trolls, and pure stupidity, even then, moderators tend to come in and clean up the mess, but it seems the damage is done, as people don't enjoy posting.
Yeah, trolls suck.

EDIT: I'd like to also point out that, in his own way, Teka is a great pixel artist. He can take criticism, and he can crank things out incredibly quickly.

All in all, Teka = Pro.
In response to Vrocaan
Teka is one of the people that have a very good reputation on BYOND, hardly anyone will give him a bad review even if his art looked like crap they would give it 5 stars the community doesn't welcome new people very well especially when they try as hard as they can.

No offense to Teka, I like his art, this is just an example of how I see the community acting towards people just giving it a go.
Teka actually tries, though. Teka isn't like Soniow.
In response to Vrocaan
Vrocaan wrote:
Teka actually tries, though. Teka isn't like Soniow.

@ A.T.H.K ^ Agreed, Teka is a friend of mine, and I presume he fully well knows he needs a lot of improvement, and yes people would give it 5 stars, primarily because a vast amount of people simply care about who's art it is, as opposed to how good said art is.

But if a random person were to create the same quality of work as him, half of the people near the art section would rip him a new one.

As for you two, you are both easily as bad, don't act all high an mighty, you can't presume he is not trying, if he makes no progress, then keep criticizing his work, you just displayed a prime example of why I made this topic.
Soniow didn't try he lies a lot I know him and have worked with him. And yes because of who Teka is that always happens ive said that a long time ago when he uploaded his boat icon on to the site.
In response to Skyiden
Skyiden wrote:
But if a random person were to create the same quality of work as him, half of the people near the art section would rip him a new one.

Give me one recent example of someone making art CLOSE to that quality.
In response to Vrocaan

As one example, people have different tastes so you may see Teka's "icons" as very nice while I see the post above icon very nice.

Even Spirit Age's icons are very nice.

Teka's icons are great they are very interesting and give out a good feel but each game is different I don't think those graphics would work in .. Eternia or NESTalgia
So welcoming, right?
Those being just a few, and yes there are some reasonable posters in said topics, but there always that one douche bag, and generally it happens to be you Vrocaan or ImmeasurableHate
as I mentioned before, people who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

And my house is made out of decommissioned tanks, battleships, and invicishields(tm).
Clearly, because your such an amazing artist, who gives out amazing criticize, oh wait, sorry mistook you for someone who gave a rats ass about the community.
hey i post! just have worked on anything worthwhile in a couple months. I've gotten over that whole creating hype phase.
In response to Skyiden
Skyiden wrote:
Clearly, because your such an amazing artist, who gives out amazing criticize, oh wait, sorry mistook you for someone who gave a rats ass about the community.

Now now guys/girls, don't turn this into a flame war please :) it's a touchy subject perhaps we should just leave it at the fact that everyone has different tastes opinions and the such but there is no need to put someone down because the work they have produced isn't up to YOUR standard.

But then again this is the interwebz you'll always get trolls.
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