I have made a website, I have advertised it - it still has zero traffic and nobody cares.
I am beginning to think this isn't even worth my time, even if I did release the game nobody cares anyway.
You'll all just take a dump on it because I am not the best programmer in the universe and it doesn't have all those spiffy features and oh whaaa it is using interfaces and blah blah blah.
Then your game either you've done something wrong, or the game is not interesting enough for the publi you're aiming to.
I still think, that 24$ a year is more than worth it. And it is just 2$ a month. Not a big loss. |
That is your assumption, or your stipulation.
Doesn't mean I did something wrong or the game isn't interesting, it means that human beings suck. :P I'm not even a programmer, I'm being forced to become one because no real programmer ever wants to be nice and create a game with someone else, they just want paid for code. Anyway, typical byond forum thread - being derailed into a personal insult war like always. |
Indeed, nothing to add.
Edit: Really, I don't think any programmer in this community deserves a paid work in DM, excluding a few ones that are really good. (And they know C+/+/#, Java and a bunch of other languages) Byond barely has good programmers, just a few advanced, a few intermediate programmers, AND a few shitty programmers that believe they are something worth. |
BYOND Hubs are going to be free again, or less restricted. Tom said he is changing Membership features so the only thing left to do is just wait for them to take in effect.
Personally, if you don't think 24$ is worth it, you can always make a webpage for your game, and advertise on your own, get your players on your own and not need byond at all, just as a software needed to play your game.
Most of the people who conplained about raising the price and closing hubs, were narutards that couldn't publish their new brand ripped games.
Thank god.