parent_type = /obj
name = ""
icon = 'Skills.dmi'
icon_state = ""
world << "Object: [src]"
world << "Object Start Loc: [src_location]"
world << "Object Control: [src_control]"
world << "Dropped On: [over_object]"
world << "Dropped Loc: [over_location]"
world << "Dropped Control: [over_control]"
if(findtext("[over_control]", "bindingspane"))
var/bkey = "[winget(usr, over_control, "text")]"
bkey = lowertext("[bkey]"
usr.bind_key("[bkey]", src)
var/image/I = image(src.icon,"[src.icon_state]")
//var/icon/I = icon(src.icon,"[src.icon_state]")
world << "Created Image to Use: \icon[I]"
winset(usr, "[over_control]", "image = [I]")
world << "[bkey] Label Icon should change"
Problem description:
I'm trying to change the image of a label by dragging an ability to the label and its not working and I dont know why