Keywords: hub, info, medals
(See the best response by Super Saiyan X.)
Relating to:

The feature I am requesting is simply an text format for the view_available_medals command on hubs. (ie: NEStalgia&format=text&command=view_available_medals )

This, of course, could relate to both game hubs and player's pages. Which would bring que for change in medal displays for keys, giving the option to 'display all' medals, earned and un-earned. Just as with all other displays of medals on a player's site, you'd be able to sort these via specifying the hub.

In doing this, the text format under the 'display all' medals command would display a variable for whether the specified player has earned the medal along with the usual variables displayed. NEStalgia&format=text&long=1

name = "World in Peril"
desc = "Complete the Balzackian quest chain"
icon = ""
user_count = 6009
name = "Flight of the Phoenix"
desc = "Complete the Bedoe quest chain"
icon = ""
user_count = 2591
In response to Super Saiyan X
I knew of this before hand, but having access to just the available medals still seems something to which would be usefull, at least to me.

And for the second bit? I also included the want for the view_available_medals to be available on personal pages and available in text.
Shouldn't be too hard for them to implement as they already show these's on a users medal page -

"[Any games] [Medals left to earn]"
In response to NNAAAAHH
Best response
I knew of this before hand, but having access to just the available medals still seems something to which would be usefull, at least to me.

And for the second bit? I also included the want for the view_available_medals to be available on personal pages and available in text. NNAAAAHH?format=text&command=view_medals&all=1

If the medals have 'earned', they have gotten them, otherwise, they have not.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Now THAT, I didn't know about. Thank you, shall I remove this feature request since there are ways around it all?
Keep the request, instead though, ask for documentation on the topic. It's a pretty unknown thing.

I and a few others are trying to document such things for now, until official documentation appears.
In response to NNAAAAHH
It's good information, a moderator might move it somewhere else though :)
I moved it to BYOND Help and upvoted SSX's response.
Oh, you're also able to add &hub=hub.path to specify the hub.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Its worth noting that there is currently an open Bug report regarding the &hub=hub.path format, If you run into any issues trying to use it.
I've created some documentation for ?format=text stuff.

It's on the second page (after the horizontal line) of pub?id=1HGkCp4eQU8Jp14Srh8Isuv_liehzV_XB6IcSUbVFFiY

If you know any other parameters for the format, I'll add them.