(See the best response by Shaoni.)

Problem description:

how can i make a command for the ADM to know everything in the loc..


i'm on pos x:1 y:1 z:1 i want to know everything in this position... i use the comand.. will return..


everything in 1/1/1...

how can i do it?

sorry about the bad english kkkk
Best response
for(var/atom/a in src.loc) src<<a //Loop through everything on your loc and output them.

That should work, here assuming the player is src. Also I'd suggest making your title English like the rest of the post. :P
humm work.. but only with mob and obj.. don't have a way to discover the area?

and sorry about the title kkkk i didn't see
In response to Luizwalber917
in view(0)
Using "in loc" only gets you objs and mobs because loc is a turf. I think maybe you can use obounds() or oview() to get an area, but usually the area you're in is simply "loc.loc".