Nothing personal NNAAAHH! Dialogue boxes and other windows should not be extremely noisy like the "Wait A Second" version or the cluttered arrangement in "Dead World" It makes for an annoying experience when the boxes are difficult to interact with. The other examples are no more impressive than Flybads - AAAAHHHHH! is really quite similar, "Hakutan" and "Young Man" are very simple as well although the coloring is much smoother. The "Final Fantasy" one is the most unique but only differs in that it breaks the edges with its art and rounded the remaining corners. I agree that Flybads can stll be worked some (it looks like he is still working on it) but the "I'm not impressed" is a little rigid considering that a truly usable and frindly dialogue, chat, inventory or any other type of box should first fit th enviroment of the game it is created for and it should be functional.
I wasn't saying the boxes in the screens I posted were any better, but his isn't better than any of those and has been done a LOT. I'm a hard to impress guy, it's not anything personal against him and he shouldn't take it that way. I meant only to inspire, I guess is the word, to create something more fresh.
Right on. I'm with you on inspired design, guess I felt like nit pickin a little this morning.
Lol, I already have a DS ;-; Just don't play it because it's [not good] lol. & I played that FF game, quit within the first 5 minutes lol/