In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
I believe it looks really nice & would be interesting to find out more about the people "we" look up to.

You should interview Falacy :)

Or this Hansom Man
I would volunteer myself to be interviewed... due to the fact i am pretty much an underground favorite (based on how people see me)

besides... Byonder for almost 8 years...
None of you here are getting interviewed.

Just saying..
In response to Ss4gogeta0
In response to Magnum2k
Not even the interviewers? I was really looking forward to the back and forth with the fake mustache.
In response to Magnum2k
Magnum2k wrote:
None of you here are getting interviewed.

Just saying..

Fine, I'll just interview myself then. TRY AND STOP ME!
So here is the list of people in demand (that I assume were not troll posts).

Confirmed For List
  • Falacy
  • OasisCircle
  • Albro1 (redo requested)
  • Zane444
  • Yut Put
  • Axerob

  • Koil
  • EnigmaticGallivanter / Magnum2k (we will find a way for this)
Laserdog doesn't have time for your petty interviews. He's taking his comics to the next level and is now working full-time for Shonen Jump making a new manga series. Deal with it.
I would personally like to see Wild Blood be interviewed. He's made so many good games and I'd honestly just like to know more about him.
This way I can steal them boxes :). Haha, just kidding. I never need boxes.
There is always a need for boxes. Always.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
There is always a need for boxes. Always.

Shut up. Don't blow my cover up away!
Falcon lazorz wrote:
Ss4gogeta0 wrote:
I would volunteer myself to be interviewed... due to the fact i am pretty much an underground favorite (based on how people see me)

besides... Byonder for almost 8 years...

That is rather pretentious.

well I am a Pretentious Prick, if you will... besides... not like I dont have the time... I dont work or anything...
In response to Ss4gogeta0
Still not interested in you. :O
You're more interested in me.
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
You're more interested in me.

True statement. Still not very interested in you though. :O I'm on fire.
Here is someone I guarantee you're interested in: WHO WAS PHONE???
So uhm ... are we still genuinely discussing this journalism thing now, or has all hope been abandoned already?
I figure they are not.
So is this a topic I can consequently close, or can I expect more relevant discussion from here-on?
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