Ok. On ANY game I try to play (and I mean any) it comes up with the BYOND window and says logging in. And 2 mins later it still says logging in. and 2 mins after that it still says logging in. Any answers? I've shut off my Bullgaurd (antivirus) fyi.
I only got BYOND yesterday. Then it said it couldnt connect to
BYOND central. I made an account and now it says logging in. Also how do I get my version? |
You just got BYOND yesterday and don't know what version you installed?
Anyway, did you try installing the latest beta as I recomended? It may fix your issue; or re-installing the version you have. Also; read through the following. http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=877586 |
That's dependent on your connection, the resources you have to download, and the connection of the server you are trying to connect to.
Your issue may just be that the resources are downloading and you aren't being prompted to their download progress. |
Ok I read through that post. That is what I had yesterday when I didn't have an account. :/
Not a problem, I suggest leaving the loggin up for a minute the first time you connect to a game. If you're still having issues, feel free to bring them up.
This still doesnt solve the problem. Still logging in for a good 10 mins now. There shoud be some sort of time out.
There usually is.
It could be the resources as I stated; mind posting a link to the hub of the game you're trying to connect to? |
http://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13 is the hub; I didn't ask for the name.
And this probaly isn't a good game to test your connection with. Last I checked, it had a lot of resources. Though I don't like SS13 and thusly don't check on it. Anyway, try connecting for about five minutes before stopping to test the 'just downloading resources' theory. |
The latest build deals with a different issue (you would see "Connection closed" in the old builds if it came up) so I don't think that's what you're running into.
If you're experiencing this with every game, my first thought would be a firewall. It sounds like you have a firewall that's not explicitly blocking the connection, but holding it indefinitely. Sometimes antivirus software will do this. |
As I said earlier my antivirus system (Bullguard) is off. Firewall everything. I did hear that WinXP and WinVista had firewalls which came with the OS though I don't think Win7 has such a thing.
OMG! Ok so my antivirus hates me! Or I was stupid on or the other. So I turn it back on for safety and forget about it. I try to launch game. It says: BYOND wants access to the internet. Grant? Yes/No
Apparently it had been sending these to me THW WHOLE TIME it was supposed to be shutdown. GRAAAAAAH!!!! WHY U NO SHUTDOWN WHEN I TELL YOU TOO?!??! :( |
latest beta:
Also, you might want to include when this problem started(After you installed something? Just randomly while using BYOND?)