And so are flashy icons.
I'm tempted to record a video and put out what I ahve, but I'd prefer it if my game was: "SHOCKING WIN FROM BRAVO1's SECRET PROJECT!!"
I dunno. Maybe a sound effect will suffice? |
Ha! Bravo.. you are against Akto and all of his Aktolings... you surely do not think you can win!?
;3 |
Bravo1 wrote:
I'm tempted to record a video and put out what I have, but what's going to happen is: "SHOCKING WIN FROM FUGSNARF's SECRET PROJECT!!" That's better. :3 |
Akto wrote:
Akto wants to cry like a baby... and Immeasurable... ALREADY!?! Yes, I was getting pissed off at something and I have no art and no artistic ability and theres no free resources fit for the theme I was going for. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
First ki blasts and now fireball jutsus. If anything, you should be supporting it 9001% |
Yut Put wrote:
Good lord, that is emotional. I'm wiping the tears off my face with one hand and typing with the other. |
Here my post-mid week progress report, along with some information about my entry.
My single player game makes an attempt at being a fast-paced, action, top-down(ish?) RPG styled game, that attempts to focus more on quick (and forced) character movement, position, and placement, rather than the value of stats, in a semi-predictable environment, all wrapped up in your classic RPG "save the world" setting, where you keep the towns safe by reducing monster density, and finding artifacts along with other adventurers to keep the towns protected. /run-on-sentence Here's an imaginary progress list that's subject to change when I run out of time: - Gameplay: 90% - Interface/HUDS: 90% - Graphics: 10% - Music/Sounds: 0% - Content: 95% - Environment: 60% - Other background operations: 99% I'll hold off on the screenshots for the moment, as colored squares and mismatched library icons show little clarity on how the game is played ;). As to everyone else, your screenshots, sound(s), and progress reports look and sound great! Good luck and don't give up! |
I believe he means that "Super Sharingan- powerlevel over nine thousand(and one) mega-ultra earth scorching, star extinguishing fireball jutsu v.666" that was shooting out of your characters in a few of your pics.
Influence: Medabots <3
-FindText controls your DreamBot!
EX:Transporting your DreamBot/returning your DreamBot.
-Console:Allows you to view your Parts,Your Stats,And your DreamBots stats.
-Character Icon(Preset Icon)
-DreamBot Template
-Few Turfs
-Sound Effects
-Movement(Player & Bot)
-Ranking System(Starter --> Novice etc..)
-Win and Lost System
-More Command Functions
I know this is a little and not really much added or anything really that complicated.. I dont have much to show either but I would love to show a few screenshots of the menu and login so here it is..
More if you care...