Oct 14, 1:15 pm
every time i attempt to join a game, i get an error saying 000002e4, i have not touched any byond files or anything, and i have tried multiple things such as reinstalling c++, reinstalling older/newer versions, wiping everything and reinstalling, and restarted my computer, and i have looked for a solution in the forums but i couldnt find any related
Oct 14, 2:06 pm
Can you describe the complete error message?
"C:\BYOND\bin\dreamseeker.exe" "byond://"-pager
is exactly what i get, then i press "accept" and i receive Could not run dreamseeker.exe (error 000002e4). Perhaps you should reinstall BYOND? |
my BYOND folder is in C: because onedrive was causing problems with it, and it had to be somewhere that onedrive wasnt synced to
So Microsoft says this is ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED, meaning you don't have privileges for byond.exe to launch dreamseeker.exe.
This means there's something borked with your permissions and/or your BYOND installation. You shouldn't need elevated permissions for the pager to launch another process. |
In response to Nehkorn