I was banned for accidentally ripping somebodies limb off during a spar because my lethals were on after a death battle. I ahced my mistake so that his limb could be replaced. He accepted my apology and informed me that he had a bio that'd be ready later today. Before that everybody kept cursing me out in looc so i began to argue back and the argument ended. Later my friend leeks walked up to me 0 rp mind you and knocked me out because I didn't like his looc knock knock joke. I then reported it in ahc and I was ignored so here is where I slipped up, I threatened to stop rping if the admins let him unrping me slide. I was suddenly banned while training and the admin fabricated parts of the story and said that I purposely tore the guy's leg off and that I started the argument and cursed out the other players which yes, I did curse them out but because they were calling me sped, retarded, an idiot, immature, and other things. I apologize for accidentally ripping the guy's leg off but please unban me I have a prince slot and I waited 4 days for it I don't want it to be wasted. This was the ban reason:Yugo00982 has been banned for: Deciding that he does not need to specify attacks in his roleplay. Tears off another player's leg with that undescriptive roleplay, proceeds to toss him into a wall after the fact despite multiple people telling him he fucked up. Continued with LOOC argument and cursing other players out, making it impossible for others to focus on the game itself. Threatening to NonRP people because of a delayed response to his issue. Using his supposed age to try and force sympathy from others. Most importantly, making me relog to stop cycling 9001 times. Yu-gone.
![]() May 23 2023, 7:33 pm
![]() May 24 2023, 3:37 pm
https://www.roblox.com/ there yu go bro
You illiterate four-eyed bastard, you are nothing but a foul, retarded specimen who has managed to exceed far past the spectrum used for mentally ill patients. And no, I am not referring to those born with disabilities. I am talking about psychopathic degenerates sitting in their mother's basement and watching porn all day while starring at gay black male transgender people who have been blessed with "Mandingo's".
F U Punk ass bitch. |
Jesus this hurt my head to read, Holy fuck Yugo wtf is wrong with you doing shit like that?
Honestly Yugo, I'm going to give you some advice.
Grow up. I don't mean rush to grow up. I mean grow up in terms of learning to bettering yourself. I know at one point, we were all new, we all didn't know how to play, and shit, I imagine some of us acted like you. But the thing is, we got experience, we learned, and we grew. That's the problem with you. You refuse to learn from your mistakes, claim that people are dogging you, and then get mad when people try to tell you to clean your act up. I don't know if this ban is a truly permanent ban or not, but I'd like to give some suggestions for how you can better prepare for when you do get unbanned. 1. Play some other RP games. You seem to have a basic grasp of RP, but you lack the finer skills. Go practice in some less strict RP games. Obviously this game isn't meant to be truly a strict RP environment, but when you keep making obvious mistakes, you need to practice. 2. Do some personal introspection, ask yourself, do you like this game for the RP, or cause of the mechanics? I know it sounds like a weird question to say, but the problem is, if you're just playing it cause somebody is making you play or because you just like the mechanics and not the RP aspect. Then you'd be better off playing other games. This game, the RP aspect and the mechanical aspect goes hand and hand. You can't have one without the other. 3. When you do get unbanned, make a FRESH character. Learn how to play the game. Learn how the game works and learn the mechanics BEFORE you ask for kids. The reason why I suggest this, is because you'll be better off playing next gen characters that have a large amount of potential to affect RP, IF you go and actually learn the game, instead of choosing to just take a super strong character when it's offered, not having much of an understanding how to play the game. |