(See the best response by Spevacus.)
I did something stupid and got a ban in hub (server is not displayed in the hub). How can I take it off?
p.s. The ban text is not displayed.
Is the ban message you're receiving "Banned by host" or something else? If it's something else, telling us what it is changes how we answer.
In response to Spevacus
This is not a "Banned by host", but ban in BYOND Hub for rude text. My server I that got banned in BYOND Hub: I'm sorry for what I did.
Best response
Right. I forgot about that.

Hub bans are only handed out by Lummox JR, whom you should reach out to. You can do that via a pager message or an email to

Do note though that hub bans are very rarely dished out and somewhat rarely revoked. I would word the way I request an unban very carefully if I were you.

Good luck! And uh... Don't do that again.