You take things out of context and pushing your agenda.
I'm just trying to celebrate my speed run bro, can you run back to your discord?
Jul 17 2021, 12:55 pm
We tolerated you for a month for some reason. You fought with 100% of the 3 users who chose to enter your channel and actually talk to you. One of them before he even finished typing a message.
It would have been a speedrun had we allowed you in the real discord rather than giving you a private soap box as a trial to see if you could behave yourself well enough to earn your way back into some of the channels. |
"Childish mods" says man whose response to being banned from a chatroom on the internet is to publicly whine about it while at the same time pretending it was on purpose
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
You take things out of context and pushing your agenda. If taken with sincerity you're a disgusting and reprehensible individual, but even if we assume the things you post are in jest or you are merely trying to get a rise out of people it still makes you wholly unpleasant to interact with in any capacity. It extends past people being "offended" by the things you post, you are not the edgy and "oppressed" paragon of free speech you think you are- you are more akin to the guy who brings a guitar to the party even though nobody has even the slightest interest in listening. |
In response to The peoples republic of china
The peoples republic of china wrote:
even though nobody has even the slightest interest in listening. Glad to see you all listening ;) |
The reason the old discord didn't work, was because a community requires mutual respect between parties participating in that community. If that respect is violated and it cannot be assured that it will be addressed, the community can't work.
You asked for a channel to showcase your project. What ensued was 90% edgey shitposting meant to incite a response, and call attention to yourself because you didn't feel that it was fair that you weren't being allowed to smear your disrespect across the entire server. Still, despite what we felt to be a clear disrespect of the initial agreement, we continued to allow the experiment to go on, to see whether you would eventually realize that you were creating a hostile space for yourself. We ultimately ignored dozens of violations of our community rules to accommodate you, largely because it was contained, and the community was mature enough to see what you were doing, and choose not to get involved.
Last night, before another member even managed to post a message, you went on a tear about how he needed to be banned from your channel after a long rant about how censorship was always wrong and about how we were being unfair to you by not making your second chance more expansive than what you asked for. The ensuing fight today between yourself and two other members, as well as the demands for moderator intervention in who got to participate in your channel led to the action that got you restricted to a full quarantine: Changing the description of your channel to be inflammatory toward the rest of the server.
Frankly, we just realized that keeping you both quarantined, and in charge of your own channel was only going to make the environment hostile for anyone who looked into the channel or engaged with you in any way. I lost all further interest in keeping a goblin chained up in our basement, because at some point someone's gonna go down there and investigate what's making all that racket, and then it's on us what happens between the two of them.
Make your own discord, Koz.