I downloaded the dmb for the game and tried hosting it on Dream Daemon. It connects properly and shows that players can connect, but for some reason it does not show up on the website or Dream Seeker, thus players are unable to join through the program or website for some unknown reason. Would anyone know what is causing this?
It's possible that the hub you've downloaded the dmb from has since changed its password and thus the hub_password variable is no longer correct, and will not display on the related hub anymore, and so your server won't appear on that game's hub or pager entry.

There's no fix for this without access to the code.

Have you tried giving your players the direct connection details to your game? The address they should be using to connect to directly should be visible in Dream Daemon, as indicated here. If they're unable to connect this way (they probably can), then you have other problems.
Okay, I got it working, but now I have a new problem where the hosted game seems to either crash or just close out for no apparent reason.

I am trying to run a Lands of Legend server, if that would be of any help.
For added detail, the game connects fine and it runs. I even am able to join it and move around, but after a few moments it seems to just freeze up and hangs, before crashing some seconds later.
In response to Foxtai
I launched my own server of Lands of Legend, locally, and ran into the same problem: A crash after about 60ish seconds of running around aimlessly.

Something's definitely broken within the game's code or its compatibility with the latest BYOND versions, and as a result, I'm afraid there's nothing on your end you could do to fix it besides potentially attempting to downgrade your BYOND version and see if it runs on an older version.

Sorry! :(
Is there any way to fix the code so it can run on a newer version of BYOND? And if an older version of BYOND is required, would you know what version?
Yep, I did just suggest that in the latter parts of my last comment. You might have posted your comment at the same time I posted mine, haha.

Like I said, you could try downgrading and see if that might help.