undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/comboadd/New)
usr: null
src: Add Someone to Combination Jut... (/obj/hud/comboadd)
src.loc: (22,12,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
Add Someone to Combination Jut... (/obj/hud/comboadd): New( (22,12,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
runtime error: undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/viewsay/New)
usr: null
src: View Say (/obj/hud/viewsay)
src.loc: (19,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
View Say (/obj/hud/viewsay): New( (19,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
runtime error: undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/help/New)
usr: null
src: Help File (/obj/hud/help)
src.loc: (20,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
Help File (/obj/hud/help): New( (20,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
runtime error: undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/jutsu/New)
usr: null
src: Current Jutsu Type (/obj/hud/jutsu)
src.loc: (21,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
Current Jutsu Type (/obj/hud/jutsu): New( (21,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
runtime error: undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/comboadd/New)
usr: null
src: Add Someone to Combination Jut... (/obj/hud/comboadd)
src.loc: (22,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
Add Someone to Combination Jut... (/obj/hud/comboadd): New( (22,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
runtime error: undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/comboremove/New)
usr: null
src: Remove Someone from Combinatio... (/obj/hud/comboremove)
src.loc: (23,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
Remove Someone from Combinatio... (/obj/hud/comboremove): New( (23,13,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
runtime error: undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client
proc name: New (/obj/hud/viewsay/New)
usr: null
src: View Say (/obj/hud/viewsay)
src.loc: (10,14,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)
call stack:
View Say (/obj/hud/viewsay): New( (10,14,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs))
Problem description: so i find this issue in the daemon when i was checking on why i couldn't see my in game hud anybody have an explanation for this
May 2 2021, 5:13 pm
May 2 2021, 5:21 pm
The errors say that these /obj/hud objects were created on the map, on /turf/GroundTurfs, and are trying to access the client var of that, but the turfs don't have a client var. This implies that the hud objects aren't meant to be created on the map, but on a player's mob.
undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/client This is a Runtime Error, which means something's going wrong. Let's break this apart. undefined variable /turf/GroundTurfs/var/clientThis line of the error tells us that you're trying to assign something to the turfs client. Turfs don't ever have a client, so this won't work. proc name: New (/obj/hud/comboadd/New)This is the proc that this error is happening in. It looks like it's happening in your hud's New() proc. This means that something here has gone amiss, so that's where we need to look. usr: nullusr can be ignored in a proc. You only need to worry about this in verbs. src is the thing that New() is attached to. In this case it's the hud object we talked about earlier. src.loc: (22,12,1) (/turf/GroundTurfs)This is the location (x, y, z) (reference) of the src (in this case the hud object). We can see that it's on a turf, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense! call stack:This is the call stack for this proc. In this case it's just happening in New(). It's very difficult to tell what exactly the problem is from a runtime error alone, especially when it doesn't have debugging info attached to it. From what little I can see, it looks like you're assigning the hud objects to the turfs in your game and not the mob as you're intending to. Check where you're setting loc in that New() and it might solve your problem. In order to generate more debugging information, to tell you exactly what line of code is giving you the problem, you can enable it in Dream Maker via Build > Preferences > Generate Debugging Information Hope this helps! |
..() new/obj/hud/bg1(src.mob) new/obj/hud/bg2(src.mob) new/obj/hud/bg3(src.mob) new/obj/hud/bg4(src.mob) new/obj/hud/health(src.mob) new/obj/hud/chakra(src.mob) new/obj/hud/stamina(src.mob) new/obj/hud/exp(src.mob) new/obj/hud/element(src.mob) new/obj/hud/elementleft(src.mob) new/obj/hud/elementright(src.mob) new/obj/hud/celement(src.mob) new/obj/hud/support(src.mob) new/obj/hud/supportleft(src.mob) new/obj/hud/supportright(src.mob) new/obj/hud/jutsu(src.mob) new/obj/hud/jutsuleft(src.mob) new/obj/hud/jutsuright(src.mob) new/obj/hud/cjutsu(src.mob) new/obj/hud/item(src.mob) new/obj/hud/itemleft(src.mob) new/obj/hud/itemright(src.mob) new/obj/hud/help(src.mob) new/obj/hud/save(src.mob) new/obj/hud/worldsay(src.mob) new/obj/hud/viewsay(src.mob) new/obj/hud/villagemission(src.mob) new/obj/hud/villagepass(src.mob) new/obj/hud/performjutsutype(src.mob) new/obj/hud/comboadd(src.mob) new/obj/hud/comboremove(src.mob) this is my new proc |
name="Health" icon_state="" New(mob/M) .=..() if(!M||!M.client) return screen_loc="[round(M.maxwidth-1)],[round(M.maxheight-1)]" M.client.screen+=src this is also one of my hud items it worked years ago and when i redownloaded byond and i guess updated it it doesn't work anymore |
You're looking at the wrong New(). You want to enable Debug mode as I previously mentioned and find exactly where this problem is arising from.
For future notice, pasting code to the forums without attempting the fixes we've talked about already won't get you very far. |
The call stacks of the errors in the first post don't indicate that the hud objects were created by client/New().
The erroring objects are most likely being created by being placed on the map in a map file (.dmp or .dmm). Maybe you included a file that isn't supposed to be included? |
In response to F0lak
so i enabled debug mode and compiled and still no issues