i made a base test

the other thing is just me waiting for time to pass
You could work on the skin shading
Where's the light source.
Godawful. As one word.
thank you i will save this to my computer
Why does he have a leaf on his head :/
In response to Skyiden
Going green?
Just my rendition of Yut Put's edit.

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Different styles produce different pieces of work, and Soniow you need to find your certain style, try to play around with colors, but I think its best you understand the anatomy of a human first, simply google, human anatomy tutorial, and learn from that on point onwards
In response to Skyiden
thank you so much your edit (no offence to Yut put) looks better to me im going to look it up and ima use yut puts ever so great tut to use to help me too :) thank you for all your help it means a lot ima post a test later
What Skyiden said. Though you need to look into some anatomy. Even the oh-so-famous Anime style follows it's own anatomy style. Usually larger heads, and extremely long legs.

Your face icon could help you better understand what anime style you are trying to achieve (look at Sailor Moon / One Piece / Naruto / [insert other generic animes])Each has their own style and touch on it but follow it at the same time. Once you can make something large, it's easier to shrink it down.
In response to CodingSkillz2
I looked up some anatomy and i tryed to make a new base test with a chibi head for some reason also that face icon is indeed bad i really need to make a new one that i was actually trying on later thx for telling me

(i think its ugly)
Try closing your links before typing. A simple </a> after the <img> will stop that "(i think its ugly)" from being a link.
I never said it was bad, neither should you. Everyone starts somewhere.

As for your new one, looks good. Though it lacks a neck. That tutorial above didn't need one because it was more of a top-down. Which is why the eyes/mouth were near the bottom of the head. Your new one seems to be facing forward so I would probably add a neck in there.
thank you so much for the Cc you all helps alot ima add a neck now and repost

Great improvement. I'll go ahead and link you to this since your original theme seemed to be Chibi.
In response to CodingSkillz2
thank u but fix the attempted picture please becuase i cant see it
In response to Soniow
Whoops. Go to google and search, "Chibi body proportions" - go to the images tab and the first two pictures are just one of many you could use. (I originally linked to the first one).
i looked it up and only saw a few i really like i kind think im not at the level to do those styles