I have been trying to turn a object around while it was 4 or more overlays . Whenever turned the overlays are not being properly turned , and are instead more to the NORTH/SOUTH of the sprite , when they are supposed to be in the exact middle.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1.Create a object with multiple overlays that have an offset
2.Create a matrix and turn the object
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
The code turning the obj
/// Visually shows that the floodlight has been tipped and breaks all the lights in it.
for(var/obj/item/light_bulb/tube/T in contents)
T.status = 2
density = FALSE
tipped = 1
transform = turn( NORTH, 90)
The code handling overlays
. = ..()
/// Used to define which slot is targeted on the sprite and then adjust the overlay.
var/target_slot = 1
for(var/obj/item/light_bulb/tube/target in contents)
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
offsetX = 6
offsetY = 0
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 5
offsetX = 6
offsetY = 5
. += image('icons/obj/machines/floodlight.dmi', src, "floodlightcombat_[target.status ? "brokenlight" : "workinglight"]", ABOVE_OBJ_LAYER, NORTH, offsetX, offsetY)
Expected Results:
All the overlays being properly turned
Actual Results:
All overlays shift upwards.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
Everytime i tried.
In other games?
Unknown , but it has happened in SS13 TGMC codebase.
When does the problem NOT occur?
Always occurs.
A photo of the issue if it helps.
The pixel offsets you're using for the floodlight also will not turn with the icon. The correct way to handle this would be to give the floodlight image a transform that adds those as a translation matrix instead of setting pixel_x/y offsets. Or, you could apply KEEP_TOGETHER to the parent. Which version is preferable depends on your use case.