Dismemberment is a thing i'm proud of with this project so far. It's a spiritual successor to Feed, but it is not Feed. I have a friend who's doing artwork for the project, but atm i'm using old feed assets as placeholders.

Anyhow, weapons and projectiles are loosely functional. Much less convoluted than my previous jabs at weapon/projectile setups. Everything is running at a smooth 60fps and I'm trying to take this project slowly. I rushed the framework for previous projects and it always came back to haunt me. Don't wanna do that again. Either way, i'm satisfied with how things are progressing and it's proving to be a fun project!

Lose your arms? Darn, looks like you ain't shootin' nothing.
I'm still alive and still working on Dark Star btw.

In response to Bravo1
Bravo1 wrote:
I'm still alive and still working on Dark Star btw.


Now that's fucking terrifying.
In response to Kozuma3
Kozuma3 wrote:
Bravo1 wrote:
I'm still alive and still working on Dark Star btw.


Now that's fucking terrifying.

^ Looks fantastic!
In response to Crazah
Crazah wrote:

The overlay work is really cool.

Remaking PWO RP, an old RP game from 2010ish!

I am posting some daily devlogs on our discord:

And just created a twitter:

In response to Kozuma3
That's some nice pixel art there.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
That's some nice pixel art there.

It's a really nice set. I believe that's MalibuDarby's work:

In response to Ter13
Ah, thanks for the link. Would love to see some dungeon crawl stuff like that. I'll have to crawl around itch.io sometime to look around.
It's very beautiful, happen to catch it on sale so woo.

Moar autotile progress, ripping them manual sucks butt.

Mapeditor: https://i.imgur.com/aEB5UFz.png
Runtime: https://i.imgur.com/xQabyHL.png
That ain't workin
That's the way you do it
Tiles for nothing,
they connect for free

Some new additions to the game: Control Panels.

Control Panels allow the player to change different aspects of the current sector or subsector they're in during gameplay.

As seen in the video, purple control panels affect gravity, allowing you to switch it on, or off. This allows for much easier traversal of the station in situations where normal movement is blocked or heavily hampered.

Air panels marked in blue and also spotted in the video briefly, are used to add air to the environment. The player's suit is pressurized so a lack of air doesn't cause too much issue, but it does force them to move more slowly, as the suit's internal scrubbers can only push out enough clean air for simple movements (no sprinting)!

Yellow power panels, not shown in the video, control the electrical power to the area and must be accessed in order to repair, prevent, or cause power outages to specific areas. Is the security system blocking your way? Power it down and continue on freely.

In some cases, a combination of these may be required in order to progress.

Some other changes include some added audio for the panels and the lift. Still working on improving things though.
As a quick update:

I added a slight blur effect to the Slugger enemies when they're raging and swapped over to maptext for debug which solved some FPS issues I was experiencing.

Another thing implemented is angular momentum, so when you're in zero G you don't spin immediately, instead you ramp up to it and releasing the keys to spin doesn't stop your spin, but it does still degrade over time in order to prevent nausea. The overall effect makes controlling in zero G slightly harder, more realistic, and surprisingly, less nausea inducing (at least for me).

I fiddled with the camera as well, implementing a locking zoom which overrides the zooming system I set up. I also adjusted the default view of the world so that I can zoom a bit further out for bigger stuff. This also went hand in hand with some adjustments to the camera positioning relative to aim. It's a lot less jarring and restrictive.

Atmosphere control panels are now fully working though the effect of atmosphere on the player hasn't been fully implemented.

Also, doing some testing for something a bit... bigger.

Created a dmm datum.

// Demo, Created by Kozuma3
turf {icon='turfs.dmi';icon_state="turf"}
obj {icon='turfs.dmi';icon_state="obj"}

var dmm/map = new/dmm('Map.dmm')

var{list/ids=new;raw;maxx;maxy;list/data = new}
var a,b,c,d; f = file2text(f)
a = findtext(f,"\"");b = findtext(f,"\"",a+1)
c = findtext(f,"(",b+1);d = findtext(f,")",c+1)
ids[copytext(f,a+1,b)] = params2list(replacetext(copytext(f,c+1,d),",","&"))
f = copytext(f,1,a) + copytext(f,d+1)
a = findtext(f,"{\"");b = findtext(f,"\"}")
if(!a||!b){return}; f = raw = copytext(f,a+3,b)
while((a = findtext(f,"\n",a+1))){.++};maxy = .+1
maxx = length(copytext(f,1,findtext(f,"\n")))
var node_size = length(ids[1]),x = 0,y = maxy
f = replacetext(raw,"\n","")
for(var/p = 1 to length(f) step node_size)
x++; if(x > maxx){x = 1;y--}
data["[x],[y]"] = copytext(f,p,p+node_size)

var list/l = new
for(var/Y = sy to ey){for(var/X = sx to ex){l += data["[X],[Y]"]};l+="_"}
return l

var x = sx, y = sy
for(var/i in c)
if(i == "_"){y++;x=sx;continue}
for(. in ids[i]){new . (locate(x,y,sz))}
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