Pokemon Legacy

by Luis455
A Fan-Made Pokemon Game

How complete is this when compared to Pokemon Origins? I'm rather surprised to see a game that uses Origins as a base.
In response to Crimsonprankster
Well, Origins source was and still is bquite messed up, so i spent most time fixing the source itself so we can add stuff better and faster, but at the moment this source has more pokemons, more tms, more moves, a better map (in my opinion obviously), and has alot coming in the next few updates.

We are 60 moves away to finish Gen III, so after that all pokemons will be updated and Gen IV pokemons will be added,
together with new missions, new events, new ways to spend time like casino, etc
Oh dear.
In response to Bloggers
Hey bloggs xD
Idk who it is, recognize the key but can't put a name to it.
In response to Bloggers
Im Exteban dude, one of the guys that were helping alexander with origins
The game looks okay at best, you should be using HUDs instead of the built in interface stuff. Just makes the game look really ugly and boring to look at.
In response to Trainer1806
Hi o.o
Is this game coming back? I miss it :(
In response to Crimsonprankster
Meybe it will come back really soon =)
I hope so :c I hate when a good Pokemon game comes out and then just poofs away!
In response to Shynaider
??? o.o
When will come back?
Its back now 24/7
Will the game come back? :c
In response to Shynaider
well i did work on it a bit theses days, made something completelly diferent off it, but some people said it wouldnt work and sadly byond pokemon comunity seems pretty dead...so i guess for now the answer is no :(
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