Hello Readers! Halloween is one week from today! Keep an eye out for witches, ghosts, black cats, and other bouts of bad luck, and maybe you'll make it to Thanksgiving... or Black Friday... whatever comes first. Let's check out what has been creeping around BYOND!
BYOND Developer Lummox JR spent a bit of time working the trees (If you'll recall from the blue book, the upside down variety) in Dream Maker, looking to further speed up steps in the compilation process (a matter he delves in somewhat deeper on the Patreon page). Working with Dream Maker also stirred up ideas about how to improve the icon editor, and he tosses out a list of candidate complaints that may soon be history.
A new name has been selected from the dozens of submissions cast for Zenith's Call's first contest, and the winning selection was Wakarin Village, which was revised to Wakai Village! Congratulations to TheGandalf for his winning entry, and I'm sure that the village mason is right at work on that statue.
You'll want to keep Falacy's Paradise City in mind this Halloween, as Ghost Zombies are expected to make an appearance, bringing double Exp with them! While awaiting for the apparition of the re-animated undead to rise, check out the new interface layout, fast-travel system, and the wide log of recent changes, presented upon login!
Armor in Dark Star continues to undergo redesigns! When things get a bit too trigger-happy and the lights get blasted to slivers, the helmet emits a light glow to help identify position in the darkness. The weapons radiate as well, and it sounds like Bravo1 has more special effects to come!
Stardust by Cydra covers the story of a planet that was decimated by meteors ten years prior, and has since dealt with the rise of powerful monsters that have caused destruction throughout the world of Xela! While a release date has not yet been unveiled, information on the hub suggests an 8-bit world with classic RPG gameplay, 10 classes to train in, and parties for up to four as you explore the world and its dungeons, stories, and events.
While not crafting up village names, TheGandalf has been sharing information on the progress of Nisekiyo: Transient Faith. The Ballos are coming, bandits who have the ability to pull weapons out of thin air, and they appear out of thin air as well! He also discusses the teamwork aspect of combat, and you'll find that full discussion over on Discord.
Former subscriber features in Allied Nations are now available for any player to use! In addition to the unlocked races, a series of bug fixes and changes have been made, ranging from roofless mountain tops to excessive multipliers. Keep up on the latest though their Discord channel.
Rod5 continues his resolve in Conflict, posting screen-captures of capturing-puppets and the many NPCs that have been worked on. Heavy machinery and a rough-up for in-game dialogue are on display as well.
Konlet shares his latest venture, a sidescroller with a pixely character tileset. Not much information on gameplay is available, but in addition to the screenshots, a sampling of music is available for listening.
Bl4ck Adam is showing off his latest project, which features a mage traversing around a dungeon, shooting fireball and lighting blasts to take out the goblin inhabitants. Current plans are for players to devise their own magical incantations as they explore and grow in power.