Ahoy folks! BYOND has years of great games that the internet doesn't know about. Some of our best - most fun - games were made years ago, and looked nothing like the online RPGs that dominate BYOND today. We should do a "Let's Play" event. Maybe a full day, maybe every night for a week, maybe something else (let me know what you think).
We'd go through the Hub and play a bunch of BYOND games, including:
* Current Games, like Spires of Agartha.
* Well known games, like Decadence.
* Classic Games, like Last Robot Standing
* Early Classic Games, like Lexiconomy
* Overlooked gems suggested by you
We'd make a list of games to play for that day, log into the first one, and start playing. If it sucks, we leave in like 5min. If it's good, we stay for a half hour or more. Then we move on to the next one of the list. If you like the game you're playing, stay there as long as you like, and move down the list when you're ready. Those of us who can screen capture will take videos and post them to Youtube.
Why should we do this?:
* There are a lot of old fun games on BYOND, and it'll be great to play them again.
* Playing a lot of different games will make you a better game designer.
* Let's play videos can drive traffic. Things don't turn around over night, but if we keep it up then it can eventually have an impact.
* Got an old game that you want to play, but it's never hosted or active? Add it to the list!
So who's interested? Let me know, and I'm open to suggestions to make the event better. :)
Currently Nominated Games:
IccusionEntertainment.Startegem (Needs Host Files)
Leftley.LodeWars (Needs Host Files)
NatureNutz.EvilResidents (Needs Host Files)
There will also be a lot of lesser known games that I'll throw into the mix (after testing to make sure they work).
![]() Feb 4 2018, 7:00 pm (Edited on Feb 10 2018, 2:44 pm)
Poll: Will you join this "Let's Play" event? (read below)
Login to vote.
![]() Feb 4 2018, 7:07 pm
Startegem & Alchemist or I riot.
I think Faction Wars 2 should be on this list. Hands down one of the best BYOND games ever made by D4RK3 54B3R.
Mr_Goober wrote:
I think Faction Wars 2 should be on this list. Hands down one of the best BYOND games ever made by D4RK3 54B3R. I hate you LOL |
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
We need some Lode Wars up in here Mr_Goober wrote: I think Faction Wars 2 should be on this list. Hands down one of the best BYOND games ever made by D4RK3 54B3R. Both of these. +1. |
I nominate these games:
Iain Peregrine's Casual Quest: http://www.byond.com/games/IainPeregrine/CasualQuest Silk Wizard's Proelium (original): http://www.byond.com/games/SilkWizard/Proelium If we planned on a Saturday, that would be the best time for me! Due to recent changes in YouTube, I've combined my BYOND channels with my other channels, so my BYOND let's plays will be sent there: https://www.youtube.com/c/tyruswoo This will also be where I re-post my Intro to BYOND video, made previously. This would be a cool event! An excellent idea to have a planned time to play. Even those not recording could join in for a bash! I'd love to see Proelium hopping again! |
ManoAMano is a no go. Haven't had host files for that in ten years...
Big fan of Aetherune Tournament :) Not sure if it still works, but this was one of my favorites: http://www.byond.com/games/ACWraith/Webcrawl A few others: http://www.byond.com/games/Leftley/TreasureQuest http://www.byond.com/games/Dramstud/Settlers http://www.byond.com/games/ACWraith/PathWrath2 http://www.byond.com/games/XxDohxX/Paint http://www.byond.com/games/LesbianAssassin/RedCap http://www.byond.com/games/IainPeregrine/plundergnome No idea if any of those work or not though. |
http://www.byond.com/games/Nadrew/XO The improved version of Gazoot's XO should be playable too, if not I probably have the source somewhere to fix any issues.
These used to be called Gatherings of BYOND or "GoB"s back in the day, as a history note. They were awesome, and Dan and Tom used to join often. If Lummox would pop in, that would make it pretty god damned complete. |
Well, if you want to spend all day on a single game... :)
Count me in. Tuesdays are best for me, but I can try to make time other days too. |
Should we make it officially this Saturday, then? I'll check tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, and if the consensus looks good then I'll post in the Events forum.
Nadrew: Thanks for that bit of History! ManoAMano is a no go. Haven't had host files for that in ten years... ;-; Unwanted4Murder: And I'd love to play Incursion one day, but you're right about how long a session takes. A good game of Casual Quest can take a full 2 hours, so maybe we'll save those two until we've done a couple successful events. |
I nominate http://www.byond.com/games/NatureNutz/EvilResidents
If someone, somewhere has the host files. I miss this one. |
Having a Gathering of BYOND (GoB) is a great idea! There are some games I haven't played much, due to not many players being on at the time, and I'm sure those games are great with other players. I'd also be up for recording a let's play!
And the event is posted:
http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=2343927 Feel free to post there if the time doesn't work for you. I tried to pick a time that wouldn't be too early for our west coast members, but not insanely late for our friends in Britain and maybe on the continent, but I can shift it one way or another if that's what people need. The list hasn't been finalized yet, so please continue to nominate games. Hopefully this'll be successful enough that anything we miss this week we'll revisit soon. Also, I'm choosing a longer game for a pre-GoB session, so feel free to suggest one; I'm currently leaning towards Incursion, but I remember that taking longer than 2hours per game. See you then! |
Ahoy folks, We're online and running! I've got a central chat server up at IainPeregrine.Events. We're moving through games pretty quickly, so follow us on the pager or join that chat room to find out where we are now. See you there!
Totally into this idea, before I read anything I was going to suggest this gem but it looks like D4rk3 beat me to the punch:
http://www.byond.com/games/Leftley/LodeWars Two other worthwhile gems I can think of are Mafia & Proelium 1&2. http://www.byond.com/games/LostRealm/Mafia http://www.byond.com/games/SilkWizard/Proelium http://www.byond.com/games/SilkGames/Proelium2 ... As I was posting, I began reading more and noticed this happened yesterday(oh no!). Totally down to do this again next week or something if anyone is around! =) |