Which aspects are confusing, and why?
I explained this earlier, just not in the post you replied to. The website is confusing because it barely mentions that BYOND is a game development program and it doesn't explain what features BYOND provides. The installer doesn't mention this stuff at all either. To most people it'll come across as a site/program for playing games. People might realize there's a "creation" aspect to BYOND but there's hardly any information about how that works - what needs to be done to create a game? What stuff does BYOND handle for you? What do you need to be able to do?
Where would you suggest they put an explanation of what BYOND provides?
In place of http://www.byond.com/developer/ The front pages of the website should assume the viewer is a potential user, not a current user. Current users know where to go on the site and they don't mind digging deeper into things. Potential users won't know to dig deep to find what they're looking for, they'll expect it up front.
But highlighting problems for the umpteenth time, in a manner which doesn't necessarily help Tom understand why something is a problem, doesn't help.
Here's how helping people usually goes:
A: That page doesn't look right.
B: Yeah, I don't like it either. Any ideas on how to fix it?
A: The colors don't look right, there's not enough contrast.
B: Hmm, ok. I'll give that a shot.
On BYOND, it hardly ever goes that way. Either the staff never responds to that initial statement or they get defensive and claim that BYOND is wonderful and there's no problem. If they're not going to respond or won't admit there's a problem, I'd be wasting a lot of time writing up a solution. We can try phrasing our advice a million different ways but it's just impossible to be helpful when people aren't open to receiving help. Thanks for trying though.
The next thing is what developers don't do. They stay within the boundaries given by the program such as stat panels when they should be using custom interface. Trying to design a complex multiplayer game that isn't even fun when they could make a simple multi game or single player that could be very addicting. Look at all those Iphone games. They only take a few months to be made by a small group of people. The successful ones become rich because they have new game ideas that no one thinks about, while the unsuccessful are busy using ideas that are already used or just aren't fun.
Yes. I could probably say more but it won't change anything.