Hello I've been messing around with dream maker and ran into a few issues one of them being overlays for things like clothing
Now before you say go read the DM reference or guide I have looked at them but It seems I'm not smart enough to even find the parts that would be useful for my issue.
So my question is where on the Reference or the guide would I learn more about making a basic overlay? Also if the Reference and or guide does not help is there a demo or example I could look at for more information?
Thanks to anyone who replies as its most likely helpful
![]() Dec 31 2017, 12:09 am
The overlays list for atoms can work with an icon file or an atom. You simply use the += and/or -= to add/remove elements from an atom's overlays list (alternatively, can also use the Add()/Remove()/Cut() procs for lists as well).
Would using overlays += and overlays -= for overlays work in a verb? I ask because I tried and it shows no errors but does nothing when tested
example mob/verb/clothing() |
Why would the += and -= operators work any differently in a verb as opposed to anywhere else in a project? They're just operators.
Look closely at what you wrote. You're setting the overlays list rather than adding to it. The overlays list can only be a list. Nothing else. overlays = list(new/obj/Clothing/Shirt) //this would work |
"Not smart enough" counts for many things when talking about my self and I can now include the fact that I looked at that page a few hundred times and never understood it until I got a better example by Spunky_Girl.
Not trying to sound sarcastic when I say thank you Unwanted for trying to help me. |
You should look at these, its fine if you don't understand it right now, save the link or bookmark the page. If you keep at coding in DM, then someday you'll be able to come back to it and say "ahhh, so this is how this works", like a man enlightened by experience.
http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1613721 http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=2081779 And the entire master list : http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=2215739#comment23288213 |