Hello fellow denizens of the web. It's my displeasure to speak with you on this night, the brink of the apocalypse.
As many of you may have heard, the FCC just voted down Net Neutrality rules that protect you and I from the same manipulative corporate strategies that chased many of us millennials away from cable television.
If this is the first time you've heard of this, here's what you have to look forward to:
1) Telecom companies selectively throttling traffic to services they consider to be "high impact".
2) Your internet plan's pricing structure being restructured in such a way to block you from accessing a variety of content for reasons of ensuring that "heavy users" don't congest the network traffic of other subscribers.
3) An increase in the number of malicious ads as free services are forced to pay your provider to avoid throttling.
4) A decrease in privacy as your provider will be looking at usage trends to find ways to maximize profits off of your use of the internet as a whole. Your activity on the net will now impact your bill, rather than your agreement alone.
5) Potential interference with your traffic as a whole, as carriers are no longer barred from refusing to serve traffic through VPNs, and no longer barred from throttling servers hosted from your machine. Worse, many of these companies may decide to start interfering with ad blocking listservs and open source software communities.
Welcome to the future. The FCC's justification for voting against your interests as a consumer, and as a citizen of the web were ironically to increase the freedom of the internet as a whole, and to encourage growth of the platform.
The real irony, though, is that the internet has grown and disrupted the global entertainment empires thanks to their failure to adopt the technology early on. We grew the internet, each and every one of us as a communal, collaborative environment where the thoughts, wants, and needs of every single one of us were being shared globally in real time on equal footing. Thankfully, the major telecom giants dismissed the Internet's viability as a mainstream media platform for years. It's only when their profit margin began to suffer their disdain for us, that they began their silent bid for control.
Companies like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have pledged their support for Net Neutrality in the past while openly donating to the coffers of anti-regulation shills like Ajit Pai. In a bold move of classic, transparent regulatory capture, Ajit Pai, former Legal counsel for Verizon Communications, was appointed to the Chairmanship of the FCC. Within mere weeks of his appointment, he began to undermine every regulation he could possibly reach from his position, stating that regulations, even those so blatantly pro-consumer and anti-extortion as Net Neutrality, are designed to increase innovation on the internet.
Pai and his counsel have elected, despite clear evidence of foreign and possibly corporate manipulation of the public comments section for the move, to ignore the overwhelming majority of legitimate comments, and to completely decline comment on the millions of illegitimate and fraudulent comments submitted during the public commentary period. These spineless asses have even gone so far as to decline any public participation in the process, stating "Public opinion did not shape the outcome of [the plan to repeal the Net Neutrality rules]".
And to make matters worse, this goofy fuck had decided to mock the importance of these decisions, knowing full well what their repeal means to consumers.
Not a fan? Let your voice be heard by voting in the poll included in this post. Actually, don't bother unless you are voting with money. Fuck you. Pay me.
Want to actually do something about this? Live in the US? Flood your state representatives with complaints as to the state of the FCC's shameless regulatory capture, and demand an investigation into the conflict of interest wrought by industry insiders and leveraged paid campaign contributions influencing public policy that the people explicitly oppose.
Dec 14 2017, 9:26 pm
Poll: How do you feel about the FCC vote?
Login to vote.
Dec 14 2017, 10:17 pm
America has been a shitty country for... ever. Getting rid or keeping net neutrality doesn't change much.
well nice to know i didnt need to make this topic
guys you need to know the shutdown of net neutrality is a big deal the whole internet is at stake even byond..im not 100% on this but most sites that are free or not populer may end up geting shutdown this threatens byond now ter13 expland what net net neutrality is so no need for me to explane. the votes maybe over but not the war so save the internet save youtube save byond save your fav sites save it all!! yongyea has a video about net neutrality near the end he explans how you can save it i recomend watching the whole video thoug so you dont get confused he saied somthing about a site ill link you http://www.battleforthenet.com/ |
It won't last.
It's gonna either be frozen while it goes to court where it's almost guaranteed to be reversed; OR the senate will vote to overturn the FCC's vote(which budding plans to run the FCC vote through senate have already been announced). This isn't a bipartisan issue and almost everybody who isn't a shill for Big ISP or a politician with stuffed pockets is vehemently against this move. Have some faith in the system. Edit: I think i speak for everyone when i say Ajit Pai has the most punchable face in the history of history. |
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
It won't last. in other words we win net neutrality stay thats what your saying right? i mean if it is ajit pai got plent of people on his side to take down net neutrality votes dont matter to him i dare not say anymore teribale statements i hate for it to happen but i hope your right after all ajit pai used money to have most turn a blind eye and help him still he wont get past the people who turn stuff like this into laws and bribing them wont work so hopfully your right |
My hope on this is that we get net neutrality back, but in a form that leaves the FCC well out of it. All it takes is proper legislation.
The FCC has long overstayed its welcome in this country and we'd be much better off without it, or at worst if we scaled it way back to simply say who can use which frequencies for what type of broadcast, and that's it. We can be done with their language rules and everything else. I understand conservative arguments on this issue but I find them to be unpersuasive compared to what huge companies could do, and in fact have now begun to do. And honestly I find the notion that Netflix, Amazon, etc. aren't paying their fair share to support the backbone not just a silly thing to say, but it sounds way more like the arguments the other side uses when it comes to taxes. Those companies already have considerable incentive to keep their bandwidth usage as low as possible without affecting quality. The Internet should be treated like a public utility due to its importance to modern life. And it's high time we murdered the monopolies controlling access to it, putting an end to municipal rules giving various companies de facto control over various regions and actively punishing collusion between companies who agree not to compete in certain areas. |
In response to Lummox JR
i agree lummox jr and not only whould it be a good thing if the fcc left the internet and us alone id be very happy if ajit pai was fired from chairman like no demotion no more politics just outright fired meaning hed have to get a job like walmart or somthing like that.
whould make things easy for us the repeal of net neutrality is a grave threat even anime sites will be at risk. guys tell your friends about this anyone who likes the internet and uses it tell them spred the word and have them do the same. i doubt congras will let ajit pai and his friends do this hoping they cant be paid of to let it happen case ajit pai paid most to let him have his way..if this happens i bet my life theres going to be a riot to bring net neutrality back. in the end we win net neutrality will stay anyways good luck guys i got your back i love net neutrality and i wish you all a mary christmas |
I dunno, the FCC is supposed to be in the business of balancing industry progress and consumer interests.
i agree lummox jr and not only whould it be a good thing if the fcc left the internet and us alone id be very happy I'd suggest reading up on the history of the Net Neutrality argument, and the current state of the FCC. What's happening is called regulatory capture. It's a form of corruption where corporate-friendly individuals are positioned to tear down regulatory bodies overseeing the same companies the individual is positioned by. If anything, the Net Neutrality rules were demonstrably necessary, and justified the existence of the FCC as a whole. The free market has done NOTHING to address the Comcasts and Time Warners of the world. It's ironic that one of the baby bells (verizon) has come back to haunt us again in exactly the same predatory way as what happened back when we went apeshit on the bell telephone monopoly. The most telling part, to me, though, is stooges in the right wing pushing this anti-regulation attitude in the first place. I've actually heard the mainstream conservative news networks ranting about how government regulation prevented growth in the telephone market, when in reality the telephone market exploded just a few years after we broke the major players up into different, competing companies. It took 10 years or so, but eventually major carriers started actually competing with one another, and actually innovating again. It's a balancing act. Companies naturally merge and buy one another out. The economy isn't about keeping what you earned, it's about exchange. Continuous, meaningful exchange. Wealth needs to be allowed to accumulate to fund innovation, and it needs to be re-distributed to ensure a regular, punctuated equilibrium in which the need for venture can percolate. Regulation isn't good. The free market isn't good. Wealth redistribution isn't good. They are just three legs to the same tripod. When they get out of whack, the whole thing topples. IMO we're in an age where wealth inequality and laissez-faire capitalism has reached that dangerous tipping point, and to right ourselves a good number of our leaders are screaming we should tip it further. It'd be a fuck of a lot easier to balance these ideals if we didn't pack congress with extremists. More people in the center making deals. Less echochambers. |
In response to Ter13
so your not for net neutrality?
if so you are aware if we dont have free internet survice everyones going to pay money just to be on a website and most that are free will get taken down so..were fighting for net neutrality you make it sound like the fcc is doing a good thing if your for net neutrality then help me understand what you just saied..or just say "im for it" |
In response to AaronChandler120
AaronChandler120 wrote:
so your not for net neutrality? Fuck reading, apparently. |
In response to Ter13
that a yes?
well anyways i hope you guys have a great christmas |
No, I'm obviously for Net Neutrality, and I'm obviously against the spineless, corrupt way that the vote to retitle ISPs has been continually reframed.
Anyone that knows the slightest thing about what the internet actually is has very little excuse to be against the net neutrality rules. |
In response to Ter13
good to know your for net neutrality.
congrass will stop the repile im sure cas they cant be bought and whats bad news for ajit pai might be good for us..see most people had there i.d's used im not sure how that connects with this but those i.d's may have been used as falsh votes for the repile in otherwords ajit pai must have cheated one of the fcc's employ's is on our side idk her name but its on a youtube video we have stuff and proff to save net neutrality ajit pai doesnt. ter13 im sure its yes but you think we can win? there going to congress and i belive they will fail to repile net neutrality. |
congrass will stop the repile im sure cas they cant be bought [...] Oh, my sweet summer child.. |
fcc is geting sued guys know what that means
net neutrality is saved head to youtube theres a video about it by thehumanistreporter the video is well hench the name fcc geting sued |