Also, made a special one for Nadrew:

Fuck the stars, making people look like decorated veterans and shit. Don't make us have to hover over people's stars just to verify their moderator status, change their font color instead.
I liked the idea suggested earlier to have the names be different colors over the avatars. Perhaps green for moderator and orange for... Lummox, or something.
The ability to change username font color would be a great membership perk imo.
A simple star or overlay on the display image would be best for showing status. |
Ter13 wrote:
Also, made a special one for Nadrew: Bruh I repost a single time and get banned for a month and these dudes posting swastikas like nothin. |
This post was made around when stars were introduced. The idea behind it is to give a more clear indication on who's of authority. The star was just a idea, anything really would work. Different color for comments/posts from moderators, different color for the names of moderators, something next to their name, anything really.
ITT: Guy who posts pictures of dead kids when he loses an argument offended by joke and swastika.
Ter13 wrote:
ITT: Guy who posts pictures of dead kids when he loses an argument offended by joke and swastika. ? Both would get you immediately fired in a corporate environment, posting a swastika as a joke or not is a pretty serious deal. You have a sick sense of humor if you think comparing dead children to swastikas is even a plausible argument. They're both bad. |
Dubious Game Studios wrote:
Ter13 wrote: This isnt a corporate environment guy |
Mickemoose wrote:
Dubious Game Studios wrote: You're right, it's a heavily prejudice environment. My entire point is, you can't enforce rules (ToS) if you're going to enforce them on a select few, then give others free passes because they sucked the right amount of blank. |
You're right, it's a heavily prejudice environment. Your Baird is slipping again. Honestly, the username color for mods and whatnot would be ideal. It's really depressing when people don't even know who owns the site, or who is a BYOND moderator and has to go around spamming peoples' pagers to find someone. |
Not sure the status of development on BYOND since I last was active. I know things were 100% focused on the software rather than the website, but this seems like something that would save some time all-around.