Shintowa Incident

by Kaim
Shintowa Incident
Welcome to Shintowa City.

Once a beautiful city, Shintowa has been on the decline for a while now after the outbreak. The city is now run by psychos and street gangs. You must survive every day as if it were your last. Welcome to Shintowa City.

RP is mandatory when dealing with other players, but when it comes to the infection, deal with them as you please!

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When's the game gonna be playable again?I must say,even though it's a work in progress,I really enjoy it,keep up the good work.
In response to Xtra 4
It's going to be going into Closed Beta testing soon, so if you'd like, I'll add you to an open slot.
Well, so far I played, it's quite a good game, despite being only in version alpha. I still wanted to just drop my hammer and then take a knife at the beginning of the game because I prefer cutting things to a million pieces. Nonetheless, good game. Best if played with others and RPed...Or, at least, that's my opinion.
Is it in closed beta testing yet?
Can you remove me from the beta testing list,I'm ELIJAH 11'S alt,I'm already on beta testers and I don't want to take up any more spots(Don't delete ELIJAH 11 though).
^^ i would love to help out
I would like to apply for the beta, thank you~
I would like to apply for the Beta ^^~ Please and Thank you
I apply :)
I'll apply also.
I want to!!!
I would like to apply for beta please
Mmm~ I apply Kaim.
I'd like to apply :D
So far, the game is looking pretty awesome. So, I suppose I'll apply to beta as well.
This looks pretty interesting. I'd like to apply.
Do rippers still come out at night or was that taken out?
I've added all of those who applied. Don't forget to become a fan and to favourite it!
@ELIJAH 11 Yes, rippers do come out at night, along with Slenderman, though more will be added soon!
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