Onto your image:

It looks really choppy and hard to make out to me. If I didn't have the reference I honestly wouldn't know what I was looking at. Maybe get it some sort of an outline, I guess that's what threw me off. Either way, great job!
In response to Vocal_nebula
Vocal_nebula wrote:
Onto your image:

It looks really choppy and hard to make out to me. If I didn't have the reference I honestly wouldn't know what I was looking at. Maybe get it some sort of an outline, I guess that's what threw me off. Either way, great job!
alright, thanks
Sers can you make me a Base
I love how one post turned so dramatic when it sounded like a joke to me.
Sooo You Happy Yet -.-
That's how you shoulda made it try not to just make the pixel really quick and make it small that'll be hard. Make it like ACTUAL size or somthing but make it smaller(Also i kno i did some things wrong i didn't care i made this in less than an hour -.-)
In response to VixiV
VixiV wrote:
Sooo You Happy Yet -.-
That's how you shoulda made it try not to just make the pixel really quick and make it small that'll be hard. Make it like ACTUAL size or somthing but make it smaller(Also i kno i did some things wrong i didn't care i made this in less than an hour -.-)

NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR u are a better pixel artiest me want to be like you D:
You definitely just outlined that bleach reference, VixiV
In response to A2J2TIWARI
A2J2TIWARI wrote:
You definitely just outlined that bleach reference, VixiV
Nice but it seemed outlined, like what tiwari had said, but ty anway
In response to A2J2TIWARI
Its suppose to be outlined -.- you think i did this on acident or somthing :O
In response to Skyiden
Skyiden wrote:

Both images have their perspectives off from the original reference, it's kind of funny, though the second is closer. Instead of giving up and thinking that coloring and shading is gonna hide that fact, maybe when you say you're going to "practice your pixeling skills" you actually work at the first aspect of line at and perspective.
In response to UPD4T3
This is BYOND, people are more likely to just make something and go, LOOK AT WHAT I MADE, I AM PRACTICING, without actually practicing but simply devoting a portion of their time to drawing something and shading it in.
Tip #1: Don't be impressed with your own work, unless it is truly impressive.
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