Sep 5 2016, 10:15 am
I ran the installed via Wine Windows Download Manager, now when i try to run it by double clicking the icon it stays on the Loading game information... box. How do I fix that??
I have the exact same problem. I have also installed vcrun6 and wsh56 and still not working. I believe it has something to do it ie7 or ie8 support.
Ok bud, I think I figured it out.
First thing you got to do is make sure you have the latest winetricks. You can get that here: Right click and "save as" the file to downloads. Then install it (copies it to your bin folder) to "~/bin" as per the directions on the page (at the bottom). May need to reboot. Then start installing the environment as per Fugsnarf above. Link here: The "your/prefix/path" can be replaced by whatever path you want. I used "~/.byondwin/". And thats it!!! Hope that works for you. |
I'm having difficulties with this because the download links for ie7 and ie8 in Winetricks are turning up as 404 - File Not Found (Microsoft probably ditched the software).
I referenced the thread above MasterChiefXL5 mentioned to no avail. I technically could VM windows 7 but I really don't have the proper RAM to host an OS inside of an OS at the moment (8GB current, 16GB recommended personally). It might be possible to find links somewhere else for these. |
In response to Mr_Goober
You're going to want to grab
Then, you should create these two directories: $HOME/.cache/winetricks/ie7 $HOME/.cache/winetricks/ie8 Then finally, copy into both of those directories. You should be able to use winetricks to install IE7 & IE8 now. |
goober@GooberPC:~$ winetricks ie6 |
Looks like Ubuntu has an old version of winetricks in their package repos. I downloaded the most recent winetricks version (the source) and it looks like it's installing ie6 at the moment. We'll see how it goes.
Thats why I said in my last post to make sure you have the latest version of winetricks. I had the same issue for a long time.
It seems to hang on a specific line when attempting to install ie7:
Setting Windows version to winxp |
It's literally just
winetricks ie7 Default wine prefix is ~/.wine WINEARCH=win32 |
Ok, here is exactly what to type from the beginning. I am doing this in Mint 18.1.
1. Make sure you have wine installed. You can get this from the software manager in Mint 18.1. 2. Install latest winetricks by typing the following: wget master/src/winetricks chmod +x winetricks sudo cp winetricks /usr/local/bin 3. Then install the run environment (installing ie7 or 8 may fail, just retry till it works): WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.byondinst wineboot WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.byondinst winetricks wsh56 wsh57 jscript mfc42 vcrun6 WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.byondinst winetricks ie7 WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.byondinst winetricks ie8 4.Download and install byond by typing in the following*: wget WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.byondinst wine 511.1381_byond.exe *This should create a shortcut on the desktop that will launch Byond. If you type everything EXACTLY as is then it should all work. Let me know if it doesn't. Attach a screenshot if you can. |
Ah! It does work!
I can see why people prefer to isolate programs in their own wine prefix now. I've been trying to get everything to work properly in a single prefix but I can see that there are issues that come with this. |
This worked last I tried. The Wine AppDB page, which is linked to in that thread, says to install vcrun6 and wsh56 -- which I also found necessary when I last ran BYOND through wine. It's been awhile though, so maybe someone will come along with something to add. I was able to run the whole software suite just fine when I did it.